Comparing One With All

English Grammar Index

Comparing One With All :

  1. No other island in the world is so large as Australia. (Positive degree)

    Australia is larger than any other island in the world.(Comparative degree)

    Australia is the largest island in the world. (Superlative degree)

  2. No other boy in my class is so tall as Balu. (Positive degree)

    Balu is taller than any other boy in my class.(or)

    Balu is taller than all other boys in my class.

    Balu is the tallest boy in my class.(or)

    Balu is the tallest of all the boys in my class.

  3. Hydrogen is lighter than any other gas.

    Hydrogen is the lightest gas.(or)

    Hydrogen is the lightest of all gases.

    No other gas is so light as hydrogen.

  4. Lead is the heaviest of all metals.

    Lead is heavier than all other metals.(or)

    Lead is heavier than any other metal.

    No other metal is so heavy as lead.

  5. No other boy in Holland was so brave as Peter.

    Peter was braver than any other boy in Holland. (or)

    Peter was braver than all other boy in Holland.

    Peter was the bravest boy in Holland. (or)

    Peter was the bravest of all the boys in Holland.

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