Compound Words

Here are few Compound Words with Verb and Noun. Compound words are formed by joining two or more simple words. These words are the most parts nouns, adjectives and verbs. Nouns, gerunds, adjectives, verbs, adverbs, prepositions and participles are used in these words. In contrast to the meanings of those individual words, the words will convey different meanings. Use a dictionary to learn the meaning or definition of these words. These words may convey more than one meaning.

Here are the Compound Words beginning with C :

  1. Call Taxi

  2. Capsize

  3. Carhop

  4. Carport

  5. Catbird

  6. Catfish

  7. Catnip

  8. Cattail

  9. Chairman

  10. Championship

  11. Cheapskate

  12. Checkmate

  13. Checkroom

  14. Check-Up

  15. Cheesecloth

  16. Chestnut

  17. Chickpea

  18. Chickweed

  19. Chopstick

  20. Citizenship

  21. Clapboard

  22. Claptrap

  23. Cleaning Lady

  24. Cleaning Maid

  25. Clear cut

  26. Clockwise

  27. Clockwork

  28. Clodhopper

  29. Clotheshorse

  30. Cloudburst

  31. Cobweb

  32. College Mate

  33. College Student

  34. Common Room

  35. Concrete Idea

  36. Copycat

  37. Copyreader

  38. Copyright

  39. Copywriter

  40. Corkscrew

  41. Cornerstone

  42. Cornstalk

  43. Cornwall

  44. Cottonmouth

  45. Cottontail

  46. Cottonwood

  47. Countdown

  48. Counterattack

  49. Counterbalance

  50. Counter Clockwise

  51. Counterintelligence

  52. Countermeasure

  53. Counteroffensive

  54. Counterpane

  55. Counterpart

  56. Counterpoint

  57. Counterpoise

  58. Counterrevolution

  59. Countersign
  60. Countersink

  61. Countertenor

  62. Counterweight

  63. Courthouse

  64. Courtship

  65. Courtyard

  66. Cowbird

  67. Cowboy

  68. Cowcatcher

  69. Cowhide

  70. Cowlick

  71. Cowpoke

  72. Cowpox

  73. Cowpuncher

  74. Cowslip

  75. Crabgrass

  76. Crackdown

  77. Crackerjack

  78. Crackpot

  79. Crack-Up

  80. Cradle Song

  81. Crankcase

  82. Crankshaft

  83. Crapshooter

  84. Crawfish

  85. Crestfallen

  86. Crossbar

  87. Crossbeam

  88. Crossbones

  89. Crossbow

  90. Crossbreed

  91. Crosscurrent

  92. Crosscut

  93. Cross Fire

  94. Crosspiece

  95. Crossroad

  96. Crosstalk

  97. Crosswalk

  98. Crosswise

  99. Crowbar

  100. Cry-Baby

  101. Cubbyhole

  102. Cupboard

  103. Cupcake

  104. Cutback

  105. Cutlass

  106. Cutlet

  107. Cut-Off

  108. Cutthroat

  109. Cutup

Related Links :

  • Compound Words with Adjective and Adjective
  • Compound Words with Adjective and Noun
  • Compound Words with Adjective and Verb
  • Compound Words with Adverb and Verb
  • Compound Words with Adverb and Participle
  • Compound Words with Gerund and Noun
  • Compound Words with Noun and Adjective
  • Compound Words with Noun and Gerund
  • Compound Words with Noun and Noun
  • Compound Words with Noun and Verb
  • Compound Words with Preposition and Noun
  • Compound Words with Verb and Adverb
  • Compound Words with Verb and Noun

  • Compound Words Index

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