Cool English Words for 9th March

English Vocabulary Index

Cool English Words for 9th March :

  1. Daring (adj.) : adventurous, bold

  2. Daring (n) : boldness, bravery

  3. Dark (adj.) : without light, gloomy, mysterious

  4. Darken (v) : make dark, bring discredit

  5. Darling (n) : dearly beloved, a favourite

  6. Darn (v) : mend

  7. Darn (n) : a place that has been mended

  8. Dart (n) : a pointed weapon, a sudden rapid motion

  9. Dash (v) : throw with force, run fast

  10. Dastardly (adj.) : brutal, meanly, cowardly

  11. Dastoor (n) : custom, usage, commission

  12. Date (n) : the day, month and year, the time of any event

  13. Date (n) : a kind of palm tree, its fruit

  14. Dative (n) : fourth case

  15. Datura (n) : a plant the fruit of which is thorny and poisonous

  16. Daub (v) : to smear, to point roughly

  17. Daughter (n) : one’s female child

  18. Daughter-in-law (n) : the wife of one’s son

  19. Daunt (v) : check, discourage, frothed

  20. Dauntless (adj.) : brave, fearless, preserving

  21. Davy-lamp (n) : coal miner’s safety lamp

  22. Daw (n) : a kind of bird

  23. Dawdle (n) : loiter, waste time

  24. Dawk (n) : dark, the mail-post

  25. Dawn (n) : beginning of the day, beginning

  26. Dawn (v) : appear

  27. Day (n) : the time from sunrise to sunset, a period of 24 hours

  28. Day break (n) : dawn

  29. Daze (v) : make another unable to think, stupefy

  30. Dazzle (v) : to confuse, make blind by a strong light

  31. Dead (n & a ) : no longer living; without movement

  32. Deaden (v) : to weaken, to make dead

  33. Dead lock (n) : a complete stand still

  34. Deadly (adj.) : fatal, dangerous

  35. Dead-march (n) : solemn music

  36. Deaf (adj.) : unable or unwilling to hear

  37. Deafen (v) : make deaf

  38. Deal (n) : a distribution, a portion

  39. Deal (v) : to distribute

  40. Dealer (n) : trader

  41. Dealings (n) : behaviour, business relations

  42. Dealt (v) : pat tense and past participle of DEAL

  43. Dean (n) : head of a college

  44. Dean (n) : the clergy man in charge of a cathedral church

  45. Dear (adj.) : beloved, loved one; high priced

  46. Dear (n) : beloved, loved one; high priced

  47. Dearness (n) : fondness, high cost

  48. Dearth (n) : scarcity, famine

  49. Death (n) : the end of life, demise

Cool English Words for 9th March :

English Vocabulary Index

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