Coordination of The Senses
Brain and Its Capacity to Process Information

Science Projects Index

Coordination of The Senses

Our senses act in coordination to each other and to the muscles involved. If a ball is thrown at you, the eyes send the message to the brain.

And it is the brain that sends signals to the muscles of the arms and hands to adjust themselves to catch the ball. In catching the ball, there is continuous coordination between the eyes and the muscles, for the ball is moving towards you and its position is continuously changing. If you suddenly close your eyes, you can't catch the ball.

Brain and Its Capacity to Process Information

Take a cardboard and cut two holes in it to form a spectacle. Paste blue cellophane paper on one hole and on the other you paste red. Look through the two holes.

Initially you will find it a hazy image, as through the blue paper only blue colour will come and through the red, only red colour will pass. But after a few moments you will start seeing normally. This is because of the brain's capacity to process the information.

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