Daily Routine English Words

English Vocabulary Index

Daily Routine English Words for 4th April :

  1. Empiric (n) : quack doctor

  2. Emplane (v) : to get into a plane

  3. Employ (v) : make use of, keep occupied

  4. Employee (n) : one who works for wages

  5. Employer (n) : person who employs others

  6. Employment (n) : business, occupation, use of

  7. Emporium (n) : a shopping complex market

  8. Empower (v) : give power to

  9. Empress (n) : woman ruler of an empire, wife of an emperor

  10. Empty (adj.) : containing nothing, vacant, ignorant

  11. Empty (v) : exhaust

  12. Emu (n) : An Australian bird (ostrich kind)

  13. Emulate (v) : strive to equal, imitate with enthusiasm

  14. Emulsion (n) : milk-like liquid, a milk-like mixture

  15. Enable (v) : make able, empower, strengthen, authorize

  16. Enact (v) : to act on the stage, establish by law, represent, perform

  17. Enactment (n) : a low or act

  18. Enamel (n) : glass-like semi transparent substance, any smooth hard coating

  19. Enamour (v) : charm, captivate

  20. Encamp (v) : live in camp, rest

  21. Encase (v) : to put in a case

  22. Encash (v) : convert into cash

  23. Enchain (v) : bind with a chain enslave

  24. Enchant (v) : be which, please to charm delight

  25. Encircle (v) : surround

  26. Encircle (n) : encirclement

  27. Enclave (n) : region surrounded by foreign country

  28. Enclose (v) : surround, to shut in, contain

  29. Enclosure (n) : enclosed place letter within an envelope

  30. Encompass (v) : surround, contain

  31. Encore (n) : call for a repetition of a song etc, repeat

  32. Encounter (n) : combat, conflict

  33. Encounter (v) : engage, attack

  34. Encourage (v) : induce, to put courage in, embolden, animate, cheer

  35. Encrust (v) : to cover with a crust

  36. Encumbrance (n) : burden, dept, hindrance

  37. Encyclopaedia (n) : dictionary giving information on all branches of knowledge

  38. End (n) : extremity, final stage, conclusion, purpose

  39. End (v) : finish

  40. Endanger (v) : imperil, to place in danger

  41. Endear (v) : to make dear

Daily Routine English Words for 4th April :

English Vocabulary Index

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