Daily Use English Words for 10th March

English Vocabulary Index

Daily Use English Words for 10th March :

  1. Debacle (n) : sudden collapse

  2. Debar (v) : exclude, prevent

  3. Debase (v) : make lower in value, degrade

  4. Debate (n) : discussion

  5. Debate (v) : discuss

  6. Debauchee (n) : one given to debauchery in excess

  7. Debenture (n) : a kind of bond security

  8. Debility (n) : weakness, feebleness

  9. Debit (n) : entry of a sum owing

  10. Debonair (adj.) : pleasant

  11. Debris (n) : ruins, scattered fragments

  12. Dept (n) : payment that must be but not yet been made to somebody

  13. Debtor (n) : one who owes something to others

  14. Debunk (v) : reveal the truth impartially

  15. Debut (n) : first public appearance as performer

  16. Decade (n) : a period of ten years

  17. Decadence (n) : decay, falling to a lower level

  18. Decamp (v) : abscond, run away

  19. Decant (v) : pour slowly so as not to disturb the sediment

  20. Decapitate (v) : behead

  21. Decay (v) : decompose, rot, spoil, decline

  22. Decay (n) : decomposition, declination

  23. Decease (n) : death

  24. Deceased ((adj.) : dead

  25. Deceased (n) : a dead person

  26. Deceit (n) : fraud, untruthfulness, misrepresentation

  27. Deceitful (adj.) : cheating

  28. Deceive (adj.) : defraud, mislead

  29. December (n) : twelfth month of the English calendar

  30. Decency (n) : modesty, respectable conduct

  31. Decent (n) : respectable, proper, reasonable, fair

  32. Deception (n) : deceiving of being deceived, thing that deceives

  33. Deceptive (adj.) : deceitful, delusive

  34. Decide (v) : settle, determine, give, judgement

  35. Deciduous (adj.) : shedding leaves in autumn

  36. Decimal (n) : a tenth fraction

  37. Decimate (v) : destroy in large numbers, kill every tenth

  38. Decimate (n) : decimation

  39. Decision (n) : final opinion

  40. Decisive (adj.) : conclusive, convincing

  41. Deck (n) : the upper floor or covering of a ship

  42. Declamation (n) : set speech in fine language

  43. Declaration (n) : a deliberate announcement

  44. Declare (v) : announce, proclaim

Daily Use English Words for 10th March :

English Vocabulary Index

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