Business Dictionary :

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Debenture : noun : agreement to repay a debt with fixed interest using the company's assets as security

• The bank holds a debenture on the company

Mortgage Debenture = debenture where the lender can be repaid by selling the company's property

Debenture Issue = borrowing money against the security of the company's assets

Issue of Debentures = borrowing money against the security of the company's assets

Debenture Bond = certificate showing that a debenture has been issued

Debenture Capital = capital borrowed by a company using its Fixed assets as security

Debenture Stock = capital borrowed by a company using its Fixed assets as security

Debenture Holder = person who holds a debenture for money lent

Debenture Register = list of debenture holders of a company

Register of Debentures = list of debenture holders of a company

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