Definitions of Words
English Vocabulary Index
Definitions of Words 16th October :
- Soft (adj.) : not hard, gentle
Soften (v) : make soft
Soft hearted (adj.) : merciful, tender-hearted
Soggy (adj.) : wet, soaky
Soil (n) : dirt, earth, surface of land
Soil (v) : stain, pollute
Soiree (n) : a tea-party
Sojourn (n) : a temporary stay
Sojourn (v) : dwell for a time
Solace (n) : consolation, comfort in grief
Solace (v) : console
Solar (adj.) : relating to the Sun
Solder (n) : an easily melting metal or alloy used for joining metals
Soldier (n) : a member of an army
Sole (adj.) : alone, only, single
Sole (n) : the under side of the foot
Solemn (adj.) : religiously grave, awful, devout
Solemnize (v) : make solemn, perform a religious ceremony, celebrate
Solicit (v) : ask earnestly for, request
Solicitor (n) : a lawyer who advises the clients
Solicitous (adj.) : anxious, careful, desirous
Solicitude (n) : uneasiness of mind, anxiety
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