Business Dictionary :

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Demand : noun : asking for payment

Demand : noun : need for goods at a certain price

• There was an active demand for oil shares on the stock market.

• To meet a demand: to supply what is needed

• To fill a demand : to supply what is needed

• The factory had to increase production to meet the extra demand.

• The factory had to cut production when demand slackened.

• The office cleaning company cannot keep up with the demand for its services.

• There is not much demand for this item = not many people want to buy it.

• There is a great demand for this book = many people want to buy it.

• This book is in great demand = many people want to buy it.

Payable on Demand = which must be paid when payment is asked for

Demand Bill = bill of exchange which must be paid when payment is asked for

Demand Deposit (US) = money in a bank account which can be taken out when you want it by writing a cheque

Final Demand = last reminder from a supplier, after which he will sue for payment

Effective Demand = actual demand for a product which can be paid for

Demand Price = price at which a certain quantity of goods will be bought

Supply and Demand = amount of a product which is available and the amount which is wanted by customers

Law of Supply and Demand = general rule that the amount of a product which is available is related to the needs of potential customers

Demand : verb : to ask for something and expect to get it
• She demanded a refund.

• The suppliers are demanding immediate payment of their outstanding invoices.

Demand-Led Inflation : noun : inflation caused by rising demand which cannot be met

QUOTE : Spot prices are no relatively stable in the run-up to the winters peak demand. (Economist)

QUOTE : The demand for the company’s products remained strong throughout the first six months of the year with production and sales showing significant increases. Business Times (Lagos)

QUOTE : Growth in demand is still coming from the private rather than the public sector. (Lloyds List)

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