Difficult Words

English Vocabulary Index

Difficult Words for 3rd December :

  1. Ubiquitous (adj.) : existing every-where, omnipresent

  2. U-boat (n) : a German submarine

  3. Udder (n) : the milk, gland or bag of a cow or other animal where milk is secreted and retained

  4. Ugly (adj.) : not beautiful, offensive to the eye

  5. Ugly (n) : ugliness

  6. Ukase (n) : an official order

  7. Ulcer (n) : a sore discharging pus

  8. Ulcerate (v) : form an ulcer

  9. Ulterior (adj.) : remoter, not immediate, distant, secret

  10. Ultimate (adj.) : final, last, farthest

  11. Ultimatum (n) : a final statement as concerning terms or conditions

  12. Ultimo (adv.) : in the last month

  13. Ultra (adj.) : extreme, extravagant

  14. Ultramarine (n) : a deep blue colour

  15. Umbel (n) : a flower cluster in which the flower stalks radiate from a common point (as in carrot)

  16. Umbra (n) : a shade

  17. Umbrage (n) : shade

  18. Umbrage (adj.) : Umbrageous shady

  19. Umbrella (n) : a screen to protect from sun and rain

  20. Unable (adj.) : not able

  21. Unacceptable (adj.) : not welcome, not pleasing

  22. Unaccountable (adj.) : not responsible, that cannot be explained

  23. Unaccustomed (adj.) : not familiar, strange

  24. Unacquainted (adj.) : not responsible, that cannot be explained

  25. Unaffected (adj.) : not affected or moved not influenced or changed

  26. Unaided (adj.) : not aided, without other’s help

  27. Unalterable (adj.) : that cannot be changed

  28. Unanimous (adj.) : sharing the same views or statements

  29. Unanswerable (adj.) : that cannot be answered

  30. Unarmed (adj.) : without weapons, defenceless

  31. Unassuming (adj.) : not arrogant, modest

  32. Unauthorized (adj.) : not having proper authority, not formally sanctioned or justified

  33. Unavoidable (adj.) : that cannot be helped, inevitable

  34. Unaware (adj.) : not being aware, not knowing

  35. Unbecoming (adj.) : not befitting, improper

  36. Unbleached (adj.) : not bleached, not whitened

  37. Unblemished (adj.) : pure, spotless

  38. Unborn (adj.) : not yet come to life, to come, future

  39. Unbounded (adj.) : limitless

  40. Unburden (v) : relieve, rid of a load

  41. Uncalled for (adj.) : not invited, undesirable, not necessary

Difficult Words for 3rd December :

English Vocabulary Index

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