Diseases Vocabulary

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Diseases Vocabulary :

As per the Oxford Dictionary, the term VOCABULARY means
1. The stock of words used by or known to a particular people or group of persons

2. A List or collection of the words or phrases of a language, technical field, etc., usually arranged in alphabetical order and defined

3. The words of a language

We have collected almost all the words related to Diseases and listed them here for your reference. Although the list is exhausting, we have added all that we have and keep on out steps to collect more and more words. We humbly request YOU all to share the collection of words that you may have in your library with us so that we will add those list of words in this page and that will ultimately benefit our visitors like YOU.

Here is The Complete Lists.

  1. Adenoid

  2. Adenoma

  3. Amenorrhoea

  4. Anthrax

  5. Anus fistula

  6. Apoplexy

  7. As cities

  8. Asthma

  9. Autophonia autopsy

  10. Blenorrhagie

  11. Blennorrhoea

  12. Bronchitis

  13. Cancer

  14. Carbuncle

  15. Cataract

  16. Catarrh

  17. Cholera

  18. Cold

  19. Cold fever

  20. Colic

  21. Coma

  22. Constipation

  23. Consumption

  24. Cough

  25. Cycosis

  26. Cyanosis

  27. Cystitis

  28. Diphtheria

  29. Diuresis

  30. Dracontiasis

  31. Diabetes

  32. Diarrhoea

  33. Dropasy

  34. Dysentery

  35. Dyspepsia

  36. Car-ache

  37. Eczema

  38. Elephantiasis

  39. Epilepsy

  40. Epididymitis

  41. Erysipelas

  42. Felon

  43. Fever

  44. Fistula

  45. Head ache

  46. Heart disease

  47. Haematemesis

  48. Haemorrhoids

  49. Herpes

  50. Hernia

  51. Hiccough

  52. Influenza

  53. Itch

  54. Jaundice

  55. Leprosy

  56. Leucoderma

  57. Lumbago

  58. Malaria

  59. Measles

  60. Migraine

  61. Mumps

  62. Myopia

  63. Nausea

  64. Naurasthenia

  65. Paralysis

  66. Pleurisy

  67. Pneumonia

  68. Piles

  69. Plague

  70. Pyrexia

  71. Pyrosis

  72. Renal colic

  73. Rheumatism

  74. Rickets

  75. Ringworm

  76. Sciatica

  77. Scrofula

  78. Small pox

  79. Sore-eye

  80. Sprain

  81. Stranguary

  82. Sun stroke

  83. Syphilis

  84. Thrombosis

  85. Trismus

  86. Tuberculosis

  87. Vaccinia

  88. Whitlow

  89. Whooping-cough

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