Easy English Conversations
in The Park

Easy English Conversations Index

This is a typical Easy English Conversations in The Park.


Mohan, Lavanya and Srileka

Mohan : Look at the birds. They are beautiful.

Lavanya : There is a parrot above my head. It is very nice.

Srileka : Oh! There you can see the peacock.

Mohan : There is the owl and cuckoo bird.

Lavanya : We can see the eagle also.

Srileka : Who are standing near the peacock?

Lavanya : A boy and a girl are standing near the peacock.

Srileka : What are they doing?

Lavanya : They are admiring the beauty of the peacock.

Mohan : We had a nice time today in the park.

Words to Know

  1. Birds
  2. Beautiful
  3. Parrot
  4. Above
  5. Peacock
  6. Owl
  7. Cuckoo
  8. Admiring
  9. Beauty
  10. Park

Easy English Conversations Index



