Easy English Conversations
in Telephone Exchange

Easy English Conversations Index

This is a typical Easy English Conversations in Telephone Exchange.


Child and Clerk

Child : Sir, I want to book one STD call to Coimbatore.

Clerk : What is the number?

Child : 2625876

Clerk : Wait for some time. The line for Coimbatore is very busy.

Child : Shall I pay any advance?

Clerk : Give Rs. 30/-

Child : Here is as a fifty rupee note.

Clerk : Try to give correct change.

Child : I have no change. I shall wait.

Clerk : Who are they?

Child : They are my parents.

Clerk : Ask them sit down on the bench.

Words to Know

  1. Book
  2. Wait
  3. Busy
  4. Advance
  5. Correct
  6. Change
  7. Parents
  8. Bench

Easy English Conversations Index

