Easy Way to Learn English

English Vocabulary Index

Easy Way to Learn English for 18th June :

  1. Lama (n): Tibetan priest

  2. Lamb (n) : a young sheep

  3. Lambative (n): a medicine to be licked

  4. Lambent (adj.): flickering

  5. Lame (adj.): crippled, not to the satisfaction; (e.g.) : lame excuse

  6. Lament (n) : an expression of grief or sorrow

  7. Lamentable (adj.) : sorrowful, regretful

  8. Lamp (n) : vessel with a wick and oil to give light

  9. Lampoon (n) : a piece of writing attacking somebody

  10. Lance (n) : a long spear

  11. Lancer (n): a spear man, quadrille

  12. Lancet (n): double-edged surgical knife

  13. Land (v): alight, disembark

  14. Land (n) : surface of the earth, country

  15. Landau (n) : a coach with a top which may be opened or folded back

  16. Landaulet (n) : a coach with a top which may be opened or folded back

  17. Landgrave (n) : a German noble man

  18. Landgravine (n) : a German Countess

  19. Landholder (n) : owner of a land

  20. Landing (n): arrival, a gang way, platform

  21. Landscape (n): a land view, natural scenery

  22. Landslide (n) : slipping down of the earth political defeat

  23. Landslip (n) : slipping down of the earth political defeat

  24. Lane (n) : a narrow road, an alley, a narrow track

  25. Languid (adj.) : weak, faint

  26. Languish (v) : become weak, wither

  27. Languor (n): weakness, dullness

  28. Laniary (n): shambles

  29. Lanky (adj.): long and thin

  30. Lantern (n): a case protecting a light from wind

  31. Lapidary (n) : a cutter and shaper of precious stones

  32. Lapse (n): a passing away, slight error

  33. Lapse (v) : err, slip, glide

  34. Larboard (n) :portside of a ship

  35. Lard (n): the melted fat of swine

  36. Large (adj.) : of great size

  37. Large-hearted (adj.): generous

  38. Lariat (n) : a rope for fastening horse

  39. Lark (n) : a bird famous for its song, fun

  40. Larva (n): first stage in the life of an insect (e.g. a caterpillar : pl – larvae)

  41. Larynx (n): the organ of voice

  42. Lascar (n): an Indian sailor

  43. Lash (n) : a cord for whipping, eye lash

  44. Lash (v) : ship, bind together with a rope

  45. Lass (n): a girl

  46. Lassitude (n) : tiredness

  47. Lasting (adj.): durable

Easy Way to Learn English for 18th June :

English Vocabulary Index

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