Elementary Math Vocabulary

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We have collected almost all the words related to Elementary Math Vocabulary and listed them here for your reference. Although the list is exhausting, we have added all that we have and keep on out steps to collect more and more words. We humbly request YOU all to share the collection of words that you may have in your library with us so that we will add those list of words in this page and that will ultimately benefit our visitors like YOU. Here is the Complete List of Vocabulary related to Elementary Math.

abacus, Chinese abacus, absolute value, abundant number, acre, acute angle, acute triangle, addend, add, addition, additive identity, adjacent, algorithm, align, altitude, altitude of a triangle, algebra, a.m., amount, analogue clock, analog clock, angle, angle of rotation, annual, annually, annulus, anti-clockwise, apex, approximate, arc, area, arithmetic, arms of an angle, array, ascending order, associative law, asymmetry, attribute, average, axis

balance, balance scales, bar graph, bar chart, bar notation, base, base numbers, Base 10 Blocks, base ten system, basic facts, bi-, billion, binary system, binary numbers, binomial, bisect, bisector, boundary, box-and-whisker plot, box plot, brackets, breadth

calculator, calendar, capacity, cardinal number, Carroll diagram, Cartesian plane, categorical data, Celsius, centigrade, census, cent, centimetre, centimetre, centre of rotation, century, certain, chance, chord, circle, circumference, class interval, clockwise, closed curve, cluster, coefficient, column graph, collinear points, compass, common factor, common denominator, common multiple, commutative law, commutative property, complementary, composite, concave, concentric, concurrent lines, cone, congruent, consecutive, constant, continuous data, converging lines, conversion graph, coordinate plane, coordinates, coplanar, corner, corresponding, cos, counter clockwise, counting number, counting principle, cross-section, cube, cubed number, cubed root, cubic centimetre, cubic metre, Cuboid, cumulative frequency, curve, cylinder

day, data, date, deca- deka-, decade, decagon, decahedron, decimal, decimal fraction, decimal system, decrease, decomposition, deduct, deficient number, degree, denominator, descending, diagonal, diameter, diamond, dice, die, difference, digit, digital clock, dimension, direction, discrete data, discount, displacement, distance, distributive law, divided bar graph, division, divide, divisor, divisible, divisibility, dividend, dodecagon, dodecahedron, dollar, dot plot, double, dozen

edge, eight, eighteen, eighty, element, eleven, ellipse, endpoint, equal, equals, equality, equate, equation, equiangular, equilateral triangle, equivalent fractions, estimate, evaluate, even, expanded notation, exponent, expression, exterior angle,

face, factor, factorise, factorize, factor tree, factorial, Fahrenheit, feet, foot, few, Fibonacci numbers, figurate numbers, finite, first, five, fifteen, fifty, flashcards, flat, flip, FOIL, F.O.I.L., formula, fortnight, four, fourteen, forty, fraction, fraction notation, frequency, frequency distribution table, frequency histogram, frequency polygon, frustum, function, fundamental theorem of arithmetic

gallon, geo board, geometry, geo strips, gigalitre, GL, GMT, Greenwich Mean Time, golden mean, golden number, golden ratio, golden rectangle, golden section, googol, gram, graph, greater than, greatest common factor or divisor, GCF, grid paper, gross, grouping

half, halves, hectare, hectometre, heft, hefting, height, hemisphere, hepta-, heptagon, hexa-, hexadecimal, hexagon, hexahedron, highest common factor or divisor, HCF, Hindu-Arabic, histogram, horizontal, hour, hundred, hundredth, hypotenuse

identity property, impossible, improper fraction, inch, increase, index, inequality, infinite, infinity, integer, interior angle, intersect, interval, inverse operations, irrational number, irregular, isosceles triangle, isometric

jump strategy

kilogram, kilo, kg, kilolitre, kiloliter, kilometre, kilometre, km, kite, kmh

lateral surface area, likely, likelihood, litre, litre, l, L, leap year, least, least common denominator, least common multiple, length, less, less than, linear, linear scale, line of reflection, line graph, line plot, line segment, line symmetry, types of lines, line, lines, long, lowest common denominator

magic square, major arc, mass, mathematics, maximum, mean, measure, median, mega litre, member, metre, meter, metric system, midpoint, mile, millennium, millilitre, millimeter, mm, million, minimum, minor arc, minus, minute, mixed number, mode, monomial, month, most, more, mpg, mph, multiplication, multiple, multiplicand, multiplier, multiply, tables practice, multiplication principle, multiplicative identity

natural number, negative exponent, negative integer, negative number, net, nine, nineteen, ninety, nonagon, numbers, number line, number sense, number sentence, numeral, numerator

oblique, oblique prism, oblong, obtuse angle, obtuse triangle, octagon, octahedron, odd number, ogive, one, operations, opposite angles, opposite numbers, order, ordered pair, order of operations, order of rotational symmetry, ordinal, origin, ounce, outcome, outlier, oval

pair, palindromic, parabola, parallel, parallelogram, parentheses, Pascal's triangle, pattern, pentagon, pentagonal numbers, percent, percentage, perfect number, perimeter, perpendicular, perspective, Phi, pi, picture graph, pie graph or chart, pint, place value, plan, plane, plane shapes, Platonic solids, plus, p.m., point, point symmetry, polygon, polyhedron, polynomial, population, position, positive number, positive integer, pound, power of, prime, prime factor, prime factorisation, factorization, prism, probability, problem, problem solving, product, pronumeral, proper factor, proper fraction, property, proportion, protractor, pyramid, Pythagoras,

quadrangle, quadrant, quadratic equation, quadrilateral, quadrillion, qualitative data, quantity, quantitative, quantitative data, quart, quarter, quarterly, quotient

radius, raise, random, range, rate, ratio, rational, ray, real numbers, reciprocal, rectangle, rectangular numbers, rectangular prism, recurring decimal, reduce, reflection, reflex angle, regroup, regular, relatively prime numbers, remainder, repeating decimal, revolution, rhombus, rhythmic counting, right angle, right-angled triangle, right prism, Roman numerals, rotation, rotational symmetry, round, row

sample, sample space, scale, scales, scale factor, scalene, scatter diagram, scatter plot, scientific notation, score, section, second, sector, sector graph, segment, semicircle, septagon, sequence, set, seven, seventeen, shape, shapes, sharing, S.I., side, sieve of Eratosthenes, signs, symbols, similar, simplify, sin, sine, six, sixteen, sixty, size, skip counting, skew lines, slide, smaller, solids, 3D shapes, solution, solve, space, speed, sphere, spiral, spreadsheet, square, square measures, square number, square root, statistics, stem-and-leaf plot, step graph, straight angle, straight line, strategy, subitising, subitizing, subtraction, subtract, minuend, subtrahend, sum, summary statistics, supplementary, surd, surface, surface area, survey, symbols and signs, symmetry

table, tables, take away, tally, tally table, tan, tangent, tangram, temperature, ten, tenth, term, terminating decimal, tessellation, tetrahedron, thermometer, third, thousand, thousandth, three, thirteen, thirty, three-dimensional, time, time around the world, times tables, ton, tonne, total, transformation, translation, transversal, trapezium, trapezoid, travel graph, tree diagram, triangle, triangular number, triangular prism, trillion, trinomial, triple, treble, turn, turning symmetry, twice, two, twelve, twenty, two-dimensional, 2D shapes, twelve-hour time, twenty-four hour time

unequal, uniform cross-section, unit, unit fraction, unit of measurement, unit rate, Universal Time, unlikely

value, variable, Venn diagram, vertex, vertices, vertical, vertical angles, vertically opposite angles, view, vinculum, visualise, visualize, volume

week, weight, whole, whole number, width, world time zones

x-axis, x-coordinate

yard, y-axis, y-coordinate, year, yield


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