English Conversation Vocabulary
for 16th February

English Vocabulary Index

English Conversation Vocabulary for 16th February :

  1. Chaotic (adj.) : pell mell, confused, disorderly

  2. Chap (n) : a young fellow, boy or man

  3. Chapel (n) : a place of worship attached to an institution

  4. Chaplain (n) : clergyman attached to a public institution or private family

  5. Chapter (n) : a main division of a book

  6. Char (v) : petty job

  7. Character (n) : quality, person in a play or story

  8. Characteristic (adj.) : peculiar

  9. Characteristic (n) : distinguishing quality

  10. Charcoal (n) : wood carbon

  11. Charge (n) : care or custody, price

  12. Charge (v) : load, attack, accuse

  13. Charger (n) : war-horse

  14. Chariot (n) : car, a stately carriage

  15. Charitable (adj.) : generous

  16. Charity (n) : generosity, love, alms

  17. Charm (n) : spell, attraction

  18. Charm (v) : enchant, attract

  19. Charming (adj.) : beautiful

  20. Chart (n) : a marine map or a map

  21. Chart (v) : make a chart of

  22. Charter (n) : a formal writing in evidence of grant, contract

  23. Charter (v) : hire

  24. Chary (adj.) : careful, cautions

  25. Chase (n) : hunt

  26. Chase (v) : hunt

  27. Chasm (n) : a deep wide gap

  28. Chassis (n) : bottom frame for supporting a superstructure

  29. Chaste (adj.) : virtuous, pure

  30. Chasten (v) : make chaste

  31. Chastise (v) : punish beat

  32. Chastity (n) : virtue, purity

  33. Chat (n) : familiar idle talk

  34. Chat (v) : talk idly

  35. Chauffeur (n) : a motor-driver

  36. Cheap (adj.) : low in price

  37. Cheapen (v) : make cheap

  38. Cheat (v) : deceive

  39. Cheat (n) : one who cheats

  40. Check (n) : any thing that stops or restrains, scrutiny

  41. Check (v) : restrain

  42. Cheek (n) : the side of the face below the eye on each side

  43. Cheer (n) : joy

  44. Cheer (v) : comfort, encourage

  45. Cheerful (adj.) : happy, gay, pleasing

  46. Cheese (n) : a wholesome article of food prepared from the curd of milk

  47. Cheetah (n) : leopard

  48. Chemist (n) : one skilled in chemistry

  49. Chemistry (n) : a branch of physical science

  50. Cheque (n) : written order to a bank or banker to pay money

  51. Cherish (v) : entertain in the mind, tend lovingly

English Conversation Vocabulary for 16th February :

English Vocabulary Index

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