English Grammar Vocabulary
for 17th February

English Vocabulary Index

English Grammar Vocabulary for 17th February :

  1. Cherry (n) : a small bright-red, fruit

  2. Cherub (n) : a beautiful angel

  3. Chess (n) : a game played by two players with 32 pieces called chessman

  4. Chest (n) : a large strong box, breast

  5. Chew (v) : grind with the teeth, masticate

  6. Chicken (n) : the young of a fowl

  7. Chicken-hearted (adj.) : cowardly, timid

  8. Chide (v) : scold

  9. Chiding (n) : rebuke

  10. Chief (n) : leader

  11. Chief (adj.) : principal

  12. Chieftain (n) : leader

  13. Child (n) : a very young human being, baby

  14. Childish (adj.) : like a child, silly

  15. Chill (adj.) : cold

  16. Chill (n) : cold

  17. Chime (n) : the harmonious sound of bells

  18. Chime (v) : sound in harmony

  19. Chimney (n) : a passage for the escape of smoke

  20. Chimney (n) : a wide glass tube round the flame of a lamp

  21. Chimpanzee (n) : man-like ape

  22. Chin (n) : part of the face below the mouth

  23. China (n) : porcelain ware

  24. Chink (n) : ringing sound as of coins, a narrow opening

  25. Chip (n) : a small piece of wood or vegetables

  26. Chirp (v): make a sharp shrill sound

  27. Chirp (n) : shrill cry of a bird

  28. Chisel (n) : an iron cutting tool

  29. Chisel (v) : cut, shape

  30. Chit (n) : a note

  31. Chivalrous (adj.) : knightly, warlike, bold

  32. Chivalry (n) : brave act, quality of defending the weak

  33. Chlorophyll (n) : the green colour of a leaf

  34. Chock (v) : huddle

  35. Chock (n) : a device used to stop motion

  36. Choice (n) : thing, chosen, selection

  37. Choice (adj.) : select

  38. Choir (n) : band of singers

  39. Choke (v) : suffocate, block, obstruct

  40. Cholera (n) : an infectious disease followed by vomiting and purging

  41. Choose (v) : elect, select

  42. Chop (v) : the string of a musical instrument

  43. Chorus (n) : a company of singers, the song sung by them

  44. Choultry (n) : a public rest-house

  45. Chrism (n) : sacred oil

  46. Christ (n) : The Anointed

  47. Christen (v) : name, take into the Christian fold

  48. Christian (n) : follower of Christ

  49. Christmas (n) : an annual Christian festival of Christ’s birth

English Grammar Vocabulary for 17th February :

English Vocabulary Index

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