English Speaking Vocabulary
for 18th February

English Vocabulary Index

English Speaking Vocabulary for 18th February :

  1. Chronic (adj.) : lasting a long time, acute

  2. Chronicle (n) : a record of facts in the order of time

  3. Chronology (n) : a list prepared in accordance with the time of occurrence

  4. Chubby (adj.) : plump

  5. Chum (n) : intimate friend

  6. Chum (v) : live together with

  7. Church (n) : a place of worship for Christians

  8. Churl (n) : a rustic or peasant, an ill-bred fellow

  9. Churlish (adj.) : rude

  10. Churn (n) : a machine used for the separation of butter

  11. Churn (v) : stir or agitate and obtain butter

  12. Cigarette (n) : a thin roll of cut tobacco used for smoking

  13. Cinchona (n) : a kind of tree producing quinine

  14. Cinder (n) : half burnt wood or coal

  15. Cinema (n) : a motion picture show

  16. Cipher (n) : anything of little values, secret language

  17. Cypher (n) : anything of little valus, secret language

  18. Circle (n) : perfectly round plane figure

  19. Circle (v) : enclose in a circle

  20. Circuit (n) : going round

  21. Circular (n) : an announcement sent round

  22. Circular (adj.) : round

  23. Circulate (v) : spread

  24. Circumference (n) : the boundary line of a circle

  25. Circumscribe (v) : draw on the outside, limit

  26. Circumstance (n) : an event, happening, an incident

  27. Circumvent (v) : outwit

  28. Circus (n) : a place for the exhibition of physical feats and horsemanship, etc.,

  29. Cistern (n) : a resecvoir

  30. Citadel (n) : a fortress

  31. Cite (v) : quote

  32. Citizen (n) : an inhabitant of a city or country

  33. City (n) : a large town

  34. Civet (n) : a kind of a cat yielding a fragrant substance

  35. Civic (adj.) : pertaining to a city

  36. Civics (n) : the study of civic administration

  37. Civil (adj.) : pertaining to society, state etc.,

  38. Civilian (n) : an administrator on the civil side

  39. Civilian (adj.) : non-military

  40. Civility (n) : politeness

  41. Civilization (n) : refined state of society or manners

  42. Civilize (v) : instruct in arts and refinements

  43. Clad (v) : old past tense and past participle of CLOTH

  44. Claim (n) : a right

  45. Claim (v) : demand as a right

  46. Clamant (n) : person who claims

  47. Clamour (n) : uproar, loud demand

  48. Clamour (v) : cry aloud

English Speaking Vocabulary for 18th February :

English Vocabulary Index

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