English Vocabulary for 19th February

English Vocabulary Index

English Vocabulary for 19th February :

  1. Clamp (n) : a device to hold things together

  2. Clan (n) : a tribe

  3. Clandestine (adj.) : concealed, hidden

  4. Clang (n) : a sharp ringing sound

  5. Clang (v) : produce a clang

  6. Clap (v) : strike the palms together, applaud with hands, confine

  7. Clap (n) : a burst of sound

  8. Clarification (n) : making clear, bringing out the full meaning or import

  9. Clarify (v) : make clear

  10. Clarion (n) : a shrill note

  11. Clarity (n) : clearness

  12. Clash (v) : meet in opposition

  13. Clash (n) : opposition, collision

  14. Clasp (v) : fasten with a hook, embrace

  15. Clasp (n) : a hook

  16. Class (n) : a number of students, rank or order of persons

  17. Class (v) : group

  18. Classic (adj.) : excellent

  19. Classic (n) : anything excellent

  20. Classify (v) : group, arrange into classes

  21. Clatter (n) : a rattling noise

  22. Clatter (v) : raise a rattling sound repeatedly

  23. Clause (n) : part of a sentence, part of contract

  24. Claw (n) : the hooked nail of a beast

  25. Claw (v) : tear with claws

  26. Clay (n) : earth in general, stiff viscous earth

  27. Clean (adj.) : free from dirt, pure

  28. Clean (v) : make clean

  29. Cleanliness (n) : purity

  30. Cleanse (v) : make clean

  31. Clear (adj.) : pure

  32. Clear (v) : empty, make pure or plain

  33. Clearing (n) : the act of removing

  34. Cleavage (n) : split

  35. Cleave (v) : cut, split

  36. Cleft (n) : chasm

  37. Cleft (v) : past tense and past participle of CLEAVE

  38. Celemancy (n) : mercy

  39. Clench (v) : hold fast, make conclusive settle, rivet

  40. Clinch (v) : hold fast, make conclusive settle, rivet

  41. Clergy (n) : the ministers of the Christian religion

  42. Clerk (n) : a priest, one employed as writer

  43. Clever (adj.) : skilful

  44. Cleverly (adj.) : skilfully

  45. Cleverness (n) : ingenuity, skill

  46. Client (n) : customer

  47. Cliff (n) : a high steep rock

  48. Climate (n) : condition of a place with regard to temperature, present circumstances

  49. Climax (n) : upward rise or slope

  50. Climb (v) : ascent, mount or rise up slowly

  51. Climb (n) : a rise

  52. Climber (n) : that which or one who climbs

  53. Cling (v) : adhere, keep hold

English Vocabulary Index

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