English Vocabulary
English Vocabulary Index
English Vocabulary for 7th June :
- Intermingle (v) : to mix together
Intermittent (adj.): with some intervals
Intermix (v) : mix together
Intern (v) : to confine to a specified area
Internal (adj.) : pertaining to the inner part
International (adj.) : pertaining to the dealings between nations
Internecine (adj.) : killing each other
Interpellation (n) : summons, inquiry
Intersperse (v) : to scatter here and there
Interplay (n) : the working of one part with an other
Interpolation (n) : making insertions
Interpose ( v) : interfere, to place in between
Interpret (v) : to explain, translate
Interrogate (v) : put questions to
Interrogative (adj.) : having the form of a question
Interrupt (v) : disturb one while talking or working
Intersect (v) : cut each other
Interstice (n) : crack, a small space between things closely placed
Intertwine (v) : to twine together
Interval (n) : time of space in between
Intervene (v) : interpose, interfere
Interview (n) : meeting of persons face to face for purposes of business or giving information
Intestate (adj.) : without leaving a will
Intestine (n) : the inside part of the body between the stomach and the anus
Intimacy (adj.) : close relationship
Intimate (adj.) : close, familiar, intensive
Intimation (n) : announcement, notification
Intimidate (v) : cause fear in
Into (prep) : towards inside
Intolerable (adj.) :unbearable
Intolerant (adj.) : not tolerant, impatient
Intone (v) : to recite in a singing voice, to talk with particular intonation
Intoxicant (n) : strong drink
Intoxication (n) : state of being drunk, excitement, venom
Intractable (adj.) : unmanageable, stubborn
Intransigent (adj.) : not ready to agree or compromise
Intransitive (adj.) : not taking a direct object
Intrepid (adj.) : fearless
Intricate (adj.) : complicated
Intrigue (n) : secret plot
Intrigue (v) : to form such a plot
Intrinsic (adj.) : real, natural