English Vocabulary

English Vocabulary Index

English Vocabulary for 8th June :

  1. Introduce (v) : bring in, inject, familiarize

  2. Introspection (n) : examining one’s own feelings

  3. Intrude (v) : come uninvited

  4. Intrust (v) : confide

  5. Intuition (n): insight

  6. Inundate (v) : to flood, overflow

  7. Inure (v) : to make accustomed

  8. Invade (v) : to enter a country with a view to conquest

  9. Invalid (adj.): feeble, without value

  10. Invalidate (v) : to weaken or destroy the validity of

  11. Invaluable (adj.) : of great value, priceless

  12. Invariable (adj.) : unchangeable, fixed

  13. Invasion (n) : invading or being invaded

  14. Invective (n) : abusive language

  15. Inveigh (v) : speak bitterly, attack in words

  16. Invent (v) : originate for the first time

  17. Invention (n) : a thing newly found out or devised

  18. Inventory (n) : detailed list of goods, furniture etc.,

  19. Inverse (adj.) : contrary, reversed, opposite in effect

  20. Invert (v) : to turn upside down

  21. Invertebrate (adj.) : having no back bone

  22. Inverted (adj.) : turned upside down

  23. Investigate (v) : examine inquire into

  24. Investment (n) : placing of money or other resources to gain a profit

  25. Inveterate (adj.) :hardened, habitual

  26. Invidious (adj.) : likely to cause envy

  27. Invigorate (v) : to strengthen

  28. Invincible (adj.) : not able to be conquered

  29. Inviolable (adj.) : not to be broken

  30. Invisible (adj.) : not to be seen

  31. Invitation (n) : a polite request to come

  32. Invite (v) : to request attendance

  33. Inviting (adj.) : tempting, alluring, attractive

  34. Invocation (n) : calling upon god in prayer

  35. Invoice (n) : list of goods sent with details of prices and charges

  36. Invoke (v) : request earnestly, to address in prayer

  37. Involuntary (adj.) : not done willingly, done unconsciously

  38. Involve (v) : include, entangle

  39. Invulnerable (adj.) : not able to be wounded or hurt

  40. Inward (adj.) : placed within

  41. Inwardly (adv) : in mind or spirit, within oneself

  42. Iota (n) : very small part

English Vocabulary Index