English Vocabulary Quiz

English Vocabulary Index

English Vocabulary Quiz for 24th June :

  1. Literacy (n) : capacity to read and write

  2. Literal (adj.) : according to the letter or words, exact to the words

  3. Literal (adv.) : literally

  4. Literate (n) : one who is able to read and write

  5. Literate (adj.) : learned

  6. Litterateur (n) : one who is fond of books and writings

  7. Literature (n) : beautiful works in a language, an account of any particular subject

  8. Lithograph (n) : a stone print

  9. Litigation (n) : a law suit, contention

  10. Litre (n) : a liquid measure equivalent to 1000 CC.

  11. Liter (n) : a liquid measure equivalent to 1000 CC.

  12. Little (adj.): small, (n): a small degree or measure

  13. Littoral (adj.): pertaining to the sea-shore

  14. Livelihood (n) : subsistence, means of living

  15. Livelong (adj.): long lasting

  16. Lively (adj.): active, brisk, gay

  17. Liver (n) : the largest gland in the body secreting bile

  18. Livery (n) : uniform of servants

  19. Livestock (n) : animals reared by a farmer, cattle

  20. Livid (n) : lead colour

  21. Livid (adj.) : of the colour of lead

  22. Living (n) : means of subsistence

  23. Living (adj.) : having life, active, means of living

  24. Lizard (n) : a four-footed scaly reptile

  25. Llama (n) : a kind of camel

  26. Llana (n) : one of the vast plains of America

  27. Lo (inter) : look

  28. Load (n): burden

  29. Load (v) : place a burden on

  30. Loadstone (n) : a magnetic ore of iron

  31. Lodestone (n) : a magnetic ore of iron

  32. Loaf (n) : mass of bread

  33. Loaf (v) : idle about with nothing to do

  34. Loafer (n) : an idler

  35. Loam (n) : soil chiefly of clay, sand decayed plants

  36. Loan (n) : something lent, lending

  37. Loan (v) : lend

  38. Loath (adj.) : unwilling, disinclined, averse

  39. Loth (adj.) : unwilling, disinclined, averse

  40. Loathe (v) : regard with disgust, hate

  41. Loathsome (adj.) : detestable, hateful

  42. Lob (n) : ball bowled under hand

  43. Lob (v) : to send such a ball, move slowly or clumsily

  44. Lobby (n) : a retiring room, a varandah

  45. Lobby (v) : talk to win favour

  46. Lobe (n) : a part of the lungs, lower part of the ear

  47. Lobster (n) : a shell fish

  48. Lobworm (n) : a sea worm

  49. Local (adj.) : pertaining to a place

  50. Locality (n) : a place, place of existence

  51. Localize (v) : restrict to particular place

  52. Locate (v) : find out the place of, fix in a place

  53. Locate (n) : location

English Vocabulary Quiz for 24th June :

English Vocabulary Index

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