English Vocabulary Test
English Vocabulary Index
English Vocabulary Test for 31st August :
- Provided (conj): on condition that
Providence (n): god, care of god, foresight, thrift
Providential (adj.): fortunate, coming as if from God
Province (n): a division of a country, jurisdiction
Provincial (adj.): relating to the province
Provision (n): something prepared as against future need, nutriment, stock, a given condition
Provision (pl.): articles of food
Provisional (adj.): for the time being, temporary
Proviso (n): condition
Provocation (n): something that stirs anger, the act of provoking
Provoke (v): make angry, to irritate, excite or arouse
Provost (n): the dignitary of a cathedral, mayor
Prow (n): the front part of a ship or boat
Prowess (n): valour, courage
Prowl (v): wander about stealthily, (for food)
Proximity (n): the state of being near or next
Proximo (adv.): in the next month
Proxy (n): substitute, authority to act for another, document giving such authority
Prude (n): one who is too modest and delicate in behaviour
Prudence (n): practical wisdom, caution, careful, fore-thought
Prudent (adj.): careful, cautious
Prune (n): a kind of dried palm
Prune (v): to trim or cut off the superfluous branches of plants
Psalm (n): a sacred song
Psalter (n): the book of psalms
Pseudonym (n) : a false or assumed name
Pshaw (inter): exclamation to indicate contempt and impatience
Psychic (adj.): pertaining to the mind or soul or spirit
Psychology (n): the science of the mind
Puberty (n): sexual maturity
Public (n): the people as a whole
Public (adj.): of or for all the people, open
Publication (n): making known to the public, bringing out newspaper, book, etc.
Public house (n): an inn, tavern
Publicity (n): the state of being noticed by the people, advertisement
Publish (v): announce, make known to all, proclaim
Publisher (n): one who publishers
Pucker (v): draw together into wrinkles
Pucker (n): a wrinkle or group of wrinkles
English Vocabulary Test for 31st August :
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