English Vocabulary Words Meanings
for 21st March

English Vocabulary Index

English Vocabulary Words Meanings for 21st March :

  1. Discourage (v) : dishearten, dispirit, dissuade, deject

  2. Discourse (n) : a sermon, talk, a lecture

  3. Discourtesy (n) : rudeness, incivility

  4. Discover (v) : find out, discern

  5. Discovery (n) : a finding, something discovered

  6. Discreditable (adj.) : disgraceful, bringing discredit

  7. Discreet (adj.) : prudent, cautious, judicious

  8. Discrepancy (n) : disagreement in consistency, difference

  9. Discrete (adj.) : discontinuous, distinct

  10. Discretion (n) : judgement, caution, prudence

  11. Discriminate (v) : discern differentiate, to choose out, treat partially

  12. Discrimination (n) : discernment, making a difference, judgement

  13. Discursive (adj.) : rambling, argumentative, nit keeping to the point

  14. Discuss (v) : talk about, debate, argue for and against

  15. Discussion (n) : debate, a serious talk, consideration by argument, comment etc,

  16. Disdain (v) : be too proud, to look down on, to despise

  17. Disease (n) : ailment, disorder of body or mind

  18. Disembark (v) : put on shore, to come ashore, to arrive

  19. Disembarrass (v) : disentangle, to free from difficulty, relieve

  20. Disembody (v) : to set free from the body, disband troops

  21. Disengage (v) : disunite, detach, disconnect

  22. Disentangle (v) : to free from complexity

  23. Disfavour (n) : dislike, disapproval

  24. Disfigure (n) : spoil the appearance of

  25. Disfranchise (v) : deprive right to vote

  26. Disgrace (n) : shame, dishonour, discredit

  27. Disgrace (v) : bring shame to

  28. Disgruntled (adj.) : discontented, moody

  29. Disguise (n) : a dress used to change appearance

  30. Disgust (n) : strong dislike, loathing

  31. Disgust (v) : displease, cause dislike

  32. Disgusting (adj.) : creating an aversion

  33. Disgusting (adv) : disgustingly

  34. Dish (n) : a plate in which food is served, a combination of food so held

  35. Disharmony (n) : want of unity of action or thought

  36. Dishearten (v) : discourage, to take away confidence

  37. Dishevel (v) : disorder the hair

  38. Dishonest (adj.) : not honest, insincere

  39. Dishonesty (n) : fraud, unfairness

English Vocabulary Words Meanings for 21st March :

English Vocabulary Index

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