English Vocabulary Words with Meanings

English Vocabulary Index

English Vocabulary Words with Meanings for 20th May :

  1. Hourly (adj.) : happening every hour

  2. House (n) : a dwelling place

  3. House (v) : give room for (living)

  4. Housebreaker (n) : one who dismantles old houses

  5. Household (n) : family

  6. Household (adj.) : domestic

  7. Housekeeper (n) : an upper servant

  8. Housemaid (n) : a female servant for cleaning the house

  9. Housewife (n) : the mistress of a family

  10. Hovel (n) : a poor cottage, hut

  11. Hover (v) : flutter, linger near or about

  12. How (adv.) : in what way? For what reason? To what extent?

  13. However (adv.) : nevertheless, in whatever manner

  14. However (conj) : nevertheless, in whatever manner

  15. Howl (v) : long loud cry (like a wolf)

  16. Howl (n) : yell

  17. Howler (n) : one who howls, a ridiculous mistake

  18. Howsoever (adv) : although, however

  19. Hub (n) : central part of a wheel, centre of gravity

  20. Hubbub (n) : confused noise

  21. Huddle (v) : crowd together

  22. Huddle (n) : disordered state

  23. Hue (n) : colour, dye

  24. Hug (v) : embrace warmly

  25. Hug (n) : clasp

  26. Huge (adj.) : very great

  27. Hull (n) : body of ship, shell, husk

  28. Huller (n) : a machine used to remove husk

  29. Hum (v) : sing low, drone

  30. Hum (n) : the noise made by bees and such

  31. Human (adj.) : pertaining to mankind manlike

  32. Humane (adj.) : kind, benevolent

  33. Humanitarian (adj.) : one interested in human welfare

  34. Humanitarian (n) : one interested in human welfare

  35. Humanity (n) : the nature of man, mankind, compassion

  36. Humanly (adv.) ; within the power of mankind

  37. Humble (adj.) : lowly, meek

  38. Humbug (n) : trick, dishonest

  39. Humdrum (adj.) : common place, monotonous

  40. Humid (adj.) : damp

  41. Humidity (n) : moisture, wetness

  42. Humiliate (v) : mortify, humble

  43. Humiliation (n) : abasement

  44. Humility (n) ; meekness of mind, modesty, submission

  45. Humour (n) : amusement, the state the mind

  46. Humorist (n) : a wit, a wag

  47. Humorous (adj.) : full of humour

  48. Humorous (adv.) : humorously

  49. Hump (n) : hunch, fleshy lump

English Vocabulary Words with Meanings for 20th May :

English Vocabulary Index

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