English Words Meaning

English Vocabulary Index

English Words Meaning for 8th April :

  1. Equine (adj.) : pertaining to a horse, horse-like

  2. Equinox (n) : a time in each year when day and night are equal

  3. Equip (v) : provide with necessaries, furnish

  4. Equipment (n) : things needed, apparatus

  5. Equitable (adj.) : acting justly, impartial

  6. Equitation (n) : art of horse riding

  7. Equity (n) : justice

  8. Equivalent (adj.) : equal in value, meaning etc..

  9. Equivalent (n) : a thing equal in value, meaning, weight or force

  10. Equivocal (adj.) : ambiguous, giving a double meaning

  11. Era (n) : a period of time reckoned from a notable event

  12. Eradicate (v) : destroy completely, to get rid of

  13. Erase (v) : to rub out, remove

  14. Erasure (n) : rubber, what has been rubbed out

  15. Ere (prep) : before

  16. Erect (adj.) : upright, standing straight up

  17. Erect (v) : raise, build

  18. Ermine (n) : small animal with white fur

  19. Erode (v) : eat away gradually

  20. Erode (n) : erosion

  21. Err (v) : make mistakes

  22. Errand (n) : journey made carrying a message

  23. Errant (adj.) : wandering, going after adventures

  24. Erratum (n) : mistake in writing, misprint

  25. Erroneous (adj.) : wrong, in correct

  26. Erroneous (adv) : erroneously

  27. Error (n) : mistake, blunder

  28. Erudite (adj.) : well learned, scholarly

  29. Erudition (n) : knowledge, learning

  30. Erupt (v) : burst out

  31. Escalator (n) : a lift

  32. Escape (v) : get free

  33. Escape (n) : act of freeing oneself

  34. Escarpment (n) : the slope of the hill

  35. Escheat (n) : forfeiture

  36. Eschew (v) : to avoid, to shun

  37. Escort (v) : body-guard on a journey

  38. Escritoire (n) : a desk

  39. Escutcheon (n) : a shield

  40. Eskimo (n) : a race inhabiting North America

  41. Espalier (n) : lattice-work on which fruit trees are grown

  42. Especial (adj.) : exceptional, particular

  43. Especial (adv.) : especially

  44. Espionage (n) : spying, spy-work

  45. Espirit (n) : shrewdness

  46. Esplanade (n) : plain along sea-front

English Words Meaning for 8th April :

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