English Words Meanings

English Vocabulary Index

English Words Meanings for 9th April :

  1. Espouse (v) : marry, give support to

  2. Espy (v) : to catch sight of

  3. Esquire (n) : a title of respect added after a name, shield-bearer

  4. Essay (n) : composition, a piece of writing on a subject

  5. Essay (v) : to attempt

  6. Essence (n) : extract, chief quality of anything

  7. Essential (adj.) : very important, basic

  8. Establish (v) : to settle or fix, demonstrate

  9. Establishment (n) : fixture, demonstration

  10. Estate (n) : a landed property

  11. Esteem (n) : high regard

  12. Esteem (v) : to think highly of, judge

  13. Estimate (v) : count, measure, judge

  14. Estimate (n) : value set, reputation, judgement

  15. Estimation (n) : regard, an opinion, valuation

  16. Estrange (v) : make unfriendly

  17. Estuary (n) : an arm of the sea; wide tidal mouth of a river

  18. Esurience (n) : hunger, neediness

  19. Esurience (adj.) : esurient

  20. Etch (v) : engrave drawings on metals by using corrosives

  21. Eternal (adj.) : unending, perpetual, everlasting

  22. Ether (n) : upper air, empty space

  23. Ethical (adj.) : moral, righteous

  24. Ethics (n) : morality, conscience, the science of morals

  25. Ethnology (n) : the study of mankind

  26. Etiquette (n) : manners, correct behaviour

  27. Etymology (n) : derivation of words

  28. Eucalyptus (n) : the ‘gum tree’

  29. Eulogize (n) : extol, commend

  30. Eulogy (n) : praise, panegyric

  31. Euphemism (n) : using pleasant words for expressing an unpleasant idea

  32. Euphony (n) : harmony

  33. Evacuate (v) : leave, make empty

  34. Evade (v) : avoid, escape

  35. Evaluate (v) : appraise, set a value on, estimate

  36. Evanescent (adj.) : disappearing, not lasting

  37. Evaporate (v) : change into vapour

  38. Evaporate (n) : evaporation

  39. Evasive (adj.) : trying to (intend to) evade

  40. Eve (n) : evening, the days preceding any great event

  41. Even (adj.) : smooth, level

  42. Evening (n) : decline of the day

  43. Event (n) : happening, affair

English Words Meanings for 9th April :

English Vocabulary Index

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