Frequently Used Sentences in English : Day - 26

What time do you get up in the morning?

I get up at 6.30.

I get up at 5.15.

What do you have in the morning? Coffee or tea?

Normally, I have tea in the morning.

Which newspaper do you read?

I read the Times.

I buy the Hindu as well.

Do you have time to read the paper in the morning?

Yes. I have.

No. I have a very busy schedule in the morning.

I just go through the headlines.

What do you have for your breakfast?

Mostly idlis, sometimes dosa or pongal.

When do you leave for office?

I leave at 9.15.

How do you go to office?

I go by train.

I go by bus.

I go by scooter.

I go by cycle.

When do you return home?

I return home at 6.30.

When do you go to bed?

I go to bed at 10.30.

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