GMAT Vocabulary for 22nd March

English Vocabulary Index

GMAT Vocabulary for 22nd March :

  1. Dishonour (n) : shame disgrace, refusal to pay money

  2. Dishonour (v) : bring shame on, refuse to accept or pay

  3. Disillusion (v) : remove a wrong view or opinion

  4. Disincline (v) : be unwilling, produce, dislike

  5. Disinfect (v) : to free from infection by destroying disease germs

  6. Disinfectant (n) : medicine that purifies

  7. Disinherit (v) : take away right to property from

  8. Disintegrate (v) : reduce to fragments, fall off, crumble

  9. Disinter (v) : take out (a dead body) from the grave

  10. Disinterested (adj.) : without any partiality, unbiased

  11. Disjointed (adj.) : disconnected, dislocated

  12. Dislike (n) : a feeling of not liking

  13. Dislike (v) : to be displeased with hate

  14. Dislocate (v) : displace, disorder, to put out of joint

  15. Dislodge (v) : remove from a position(or) place

  16. Disloyal (adj.) : faithless, false

  17. Disloyalty (n) : faithlessness

  18. Dismal (adj.) : sad, gloomy, unpleasant

  19. Dismantle (v) : pull down the accessories

  20. Dismiss (v) : remove, send away, to send a person from his employment

  21. Dismount (v) : to get down from a horse

  22. Disobedient (adj.) : refusing to carry out commands or to observe rules, not obeying

  23. Disobey (v) : transgress, rebel, defy

  24. Disoblige (v) : fail to oblige

  25. Disorder (n) : confusion, want of order, illness

  26. Disorganize (v) : to pot out of order and throw into confusion

  27. Disown (v) : deny, disclaim, refuse to own

  28. Disparage (v) : depreciate, dishonour, underestimate

  29. Disparity (v) : inequality, difference

  30. Dispassion (n) : calmness

  31. Dispassion (adj.) : dispassionate

  32. Dispassionately (adj.) : impartially, coolly, calmly

  33. Dispel (v) : to drive away, clear, away

  34. Dispensable (adj.) : unnecessary

  35. Dispensary (n) : a place where medicines are compound and given a place where medical advice is given

  36. Dispense (v) : deal out, distribute, mix and prepare medicines and give, drive away

  37. Dispeople (v) : depopulate

  38. Disperse (v) : scatter, spread

  39. Dispirited (adj.) : disheartened, depressed, discouraged

GMAT Vocabulary for 22nd March :

English Vocabulary Index

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