GRE Vocabulary for 25th March

English Vocabulary Index

GRE Vocabulary for 25th March :

  1. Dodder (n) : tremble, nod

  2. Doe (n) : the female or certain animals

  3. Doer (n) : one who does anything

  4. Doff (n) : take off, strip, discard

  5. Dog (n) : a four-footed domestic animal, a mechanical device

  6. Dog (v) : pursue constantly

  7. Dogged (adj.) : obstinate, unyielding

  8. Doggerel (n) : a base verse

  9. Dogma (n) : a settled principle that should not be controverted

  10. Doily (n) : a small fancy napkin

  11. Doings (n) : things done

  12. Dole (n) : a small portion alms, gratuity

  13. Dole (v) : to deal out in small quantities

  14. Doleful (adj.) : miserable, sorrowful

  15. Doll (n) : a toy baby

  16. Dollar (n) : unit of U.S. gold and silver coinage

  17. Dolmen (adj.) : a stone table

  18. Dolorous (adj.) : distressed, painful, sorrowful

  19. Dolphin (adj.) : a sea, animal resembling porpoise

  20. Dolt (n) : a dunce, blockhead, stupid fellow

  21. Domain (n) : kingdom, field or province in which one’s influence can be exercised

  22. Dome (n) : fabric, cupola, roof-top shaped like a half-ball

  23. Domestic (adj.) : belonging to home or house

  24. Domestic (n) : a household servant

  25. Domesticate (v) : accustom to live in a house, tame animals

  26. Domicile (n) : dwelling-house, a place to which a person belongs

  27. Dominate (v) : have control overlook

  28. Domination (n) : rule, authority, control

  29. Domineering (adj.) : over-bearing

  30. Dominie (n) : a school master

  31. Dominion (n) : territory, sovereignty, territory

  32. Domino (n) : a cloak with a masked cape

  33. Don (n) : a Spanish gentleman

  34. Don (v) : wear, assume

  35. Donate (v) : contribute as a gift

  36. Donation (n) : a gift

  37. Done (v) : past participle of do, do

  38. Donkey (n) : an ass

  39. Donor (adj.) : one who gives a gift or donation

  40. Double (n) : twice as much

  41. Doom (n) : ruin, fate, judgement

  42. Doom (v) : to judge

  43. Door (n) : a shutter that closes the entrance to a house, room, cupboard, etc.,

  44. Dope (n) : an intoxicating drug

  45. Dormant (adj.) : sleeping, inactive

  46. Dose (n) : a quantity or portion, medicines

  47. Dot (n) : a small rounded mark

GRE Vocabulary for 25th March :

English Vocabulary Index

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