GRE Vocabulary

English Vocabulary Index

GRE Vocabulary for 21st October :

  1. Spawn (n) : fish eggs or frog eggs

  2. Speak (v) : utter words, address, (a meeting), give evidence, convey, ideas

  3. Speaker (n) : one who speaks, presiding, officer in the House of Commons

  4. Spear (n) : a long sharp pointed weapon of war or of the chase

  5. Special (adj.) : particular, not common

  6. Speciality (n) : a special quality or manufacture

  7. Specialize (v) : give special attention to

  8. Specialize (n) : specialization

  9. Specie (n) : coin, money

  10. Species (n) : kind, sort

  11. Specific (adj.) : special, particular, definite, infallible

  12. Specify (v) : state clearly, mention definitely, show in particular

  13. Specimen (n) : a sample

  14. Speck (n) : a small spot, stain

  15. Spectacle (n) : a (remarkable) sight

  16. Spectacles (n) : a pair of eye glasses

  17. Spectacular (adj.) : making great show

  18. Spectator (n) : looker-on

  19. Spectre (n) : a ghost

  20. Spectre (n) : a ghost

  21. Spectrum (n) : a band of colours formed by a ray of light when passes through a prism

  22. Speculate (v) : consider carefully undertake trade with risk

English Vocabulary Index

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