GRE Vocabulary Builder for 26th March

English Vocabulary Index

GRE Vocabulary Builder for 26th March :

  1. Dote (v) : show excessive love for fondness ,adore

  2. Doubt (n) : hesitate, distrust, suspicion, uncertainty, disbelief

  3. Doubtful (adj.) : suspicious, uncertain

  4. Doubtful (adj.) : without doubt

  5. Douceur (n) : gratuity, bribe

  6. Dough (n) : kneaded flour

  7. Doughty (adj.) : valiant, formidable, above

  8. Dove (n) : a kind of pigeon

  9. Down (n) : open highland, a hill

  10. Down (adv.) : below

  11. Down (v) : defeat

  12. Downcast (adj.) : dejected, sad at heart, directed downwards

  13. Downfall (n) : ruin, calamity, great fall of rain

  14. Downpour (n) : a heavy rain

  15. Downright (adj.) : straight, forward, open, plain, fearless

  16. Downtrodden (adj.) : oppressed

  17. Downtrodden (n) : the down-trodden

  18. Downward (adj.) : descending

  19. Downward (adv.) : towards the lower level

  20. Dowry (n) : property given to a woman by her parents at her marriage

  21. Doxology (n) : a hymn of praise to

  22. Doyen ((n) : oldest member

  23. Doze (v) : slumber, yield, sleep drowsily

  24. Dozen (n) : a twelve

  25. Drab (adj.) : of dull colour, cheerless

  26. Draft (n) : an order for payment, a check, drawn

  27. Draft (v) : prepare a draft

  28. Drag (n) : draw along with force or difficulty

  29. Draggle (v) : make wet and dirty by trailing on the ground

  30. Dragon (n) : fire breathing crocodile or serpent with wings and claws

  31. Dragoon (n) : a heavy-armed cavalry man

  32. Drain (n) : a channel, a sewer, ditch

  33. Drain (v) : draw away by pipes

  34. Drainage (n) : a system of artificial or natural drain; sewage

  35. Drake (n) : the male of the duck

  36. Dram (n) : a weight of 1/8 ounce, a small measure

  37. Drama (n) : a stage play, an exciting happening

  38. Dramatic (adj.) : pertaining to drama, exciting, theatrical, scenic

  39. Draper (n) : a cloth merchant

  40. Drastic (adj.) : powerful, stern, forcible

  41. Draw (v) : attract, allure, drag

  42. Drawback (n) : hindrance, disadvantage

  43. Drawing (n) : a picture drawn

  44. Drawl (v) : speak in slow manner

  45. Drawl (n) : slow utterance

  46. Dray (n) : a low cart for carrying heavy loads

  47. Dread (v) : be in great fear of

GRE Vocabulary Builder for 26th March :

English Vocabulary Index

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