
Since Many Analogy Questions feature technical terms from Geography, which even students with strong general vocabulary, may not be aware of, this chapter gives such a list of words from Geography for the benefit of all the students.

Atoll: coral island

Boulder: a large mass of rock

Cave: hollow area in earth with opening at the surface

Cavern: a large roofed-over cave in a rock

Cone: peak of volcano

Continent: a large landmass on the surface of earth

Crater: round pit at the summit of a volcano

Crevasse: deep crack in glacial ice

Dune: a small hillock formed by wind-blown sand

Delta: triangular alluvial deposit at the mouth of a river

Detritus: loose fragments of rock

Flint: quartz that produces spark when struck by steel

Fossil: skeleton of dead animal or plant preserved in petrified rock form

Glacier: massive, moving ice layer

Geyser: a natural hot spring that intermittently ejects a column of water and stream into the air

Gravel: loose, rounded fragments of rock

Lignite: low grade brown coal

Loam: rich soil of clay, sand and organic matter

Lodestone: magnetic rock

Meteorite: a stony or metallic mass of matter that has fallen to the earth’s surface from outer surface

Monolith: single large block of stone

Pebble: a small stone that has become smooth through erosion

Plateau: flat, broad area of at least 2000ft. above sea level

Range: system of connected mountains

Reef: strip, ridge of rocks, sand or coral that rises near the surface of a body of water

Rubble: rough, irregular, loose fragments broken from a large mass of rock

Sediment: material deposited by water or wind

Shale: fissile rock composed of layers of clay like, fine grained sediments

Silt: loose sedimentary material consisting of very fine particles

Slurry: water mixture of insoluble mud and lime

Trench: long and deep trough in ocean floor bordering few continents

Volcano: cone shaped mountain that vents hot, molten lava from the earth’s interior

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