Good Vocabulary Words
for 1st March

English Vocabulary Index

Good Vocabulary Words for 1st March :

  1. Convict (v) : prove or find guilty

  2. Convict (n) : one who has been convicted

  3. Conviction (n) : act of deciding to be guilty, confirmed belief

  4. Convince (v) : fully persuade, cause to believe

  5. Convocation (n) : an assembly the meeting of a university convened for conferring degrees

  6. Convoy (v) : provide safe passage

  7. Convulse (v) : affect or agitate violently

  8. Cook (n) : one who prepares food

  9. Cook (v) : prepare food, make up or falsify(answer etc), adjust, concoct

  10. Cookery (n) : the art of cooking

  11. Cool (adj.) : slightly cold, calm, wanting in warmth of feeling, not zealous

  12. Cool (adv.) : coolly

  13. Cool (v) : make cool

  14. Coolly (n) : a hired servant

  15. Coolie (n) : a hired servant

  16. Coop (n) : a basket for fowls

  17. Coop (v) : put under or in a basket

  18. Cooper (n) : a maker or repairer of casks

  19. Co-operate (v) : join in an effort, act together

  20. Co-operate (adj.) : co-operative

  21. Co-operation (n) : working together

  22. Co-ordinate (v) : bring together correctly in proper relation

  23. Co-ordinate (n) : co-ordination

  24. Cope (v) : manage, tackle with

  25. Copious (adj.) : plentiful

  26. Copious (adv.) : copiously

  27. Copper (n) : a pale-red metal, a small copper coin

  28. Copse (n) : a wood of small trees

  29. Coppice (n) : a wood of small trees

  30. Copy (n) : an imitation, manuscript

  31. Copy (v) : imitate, transcribe

  32. Copyright (n) : exclusive right to publish or reproduce

  33. Coracle (n) ; a light boat covered with hide

  34. Coral (n) : a red or white hard substance containing (limestone) formed by organisms in the sea

  35. Cord (n) : a string, a thin rope

  36. Cordial (adj.) : hearty

  37. Cordial (n) : a heart stimulant

  38. Cordon (n) : a circular line of protection, badge of honour

  39. Core (n) : innermost part

  40. Coriander (n) : a plant whose seeds are much used in medicine and for flavouring

  41. Cork (n) : a light stopper for a bottle, bark

  42. Cork (v) : close (a bottle) with a cork

  43. Corn (n) : cereal grain(as wheat, maize, etc.

  44. Corner (n) : an angle

  45. Corollary (n) : natural result, inference

  46. Coronation (n) : the ceremony of crowing the sovereign

  47. Coronet (n) : a small crown

Good Vocabulary Words for 1st March :

English Vocabulary Index

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