
Home :

Home is the place where the family resides

Which makes them feel more secure besides.

Home is the place you are at your best

Annoying everybody like a pest.

Home is where the wives rule

And where everything turns into a tool.

Brothers’ sisters, parents and the rest

Difficult to manage during a test.

Home is where the fights are like hell

But stops instantly when rings the calling bell.

Home is personification of liberty

Where there are no boundaries for alacrity.

Home gives the desirable pleasure…

The place for the perfect leisure…

Home is the residence of love.

I hope do not wonders how.

Home is a beautiful shell

Where our memeories dwell.

Fighting to have the TV remote

Quarelling no less than a wild goats…

At home all requirements are met.

No matter whatever you set.

Home gives the most peaceful sleep.

An assurance of happiness and hope that all keep…

Home is the most lovable place on the earth

From the cradle to the end…

For everyone loves and shares – and where

Parents bestow everything with care.

Santhoshi Harish - MVMHSS – Chennai – India



