How is Salt Made?
Measuring the Content of
Fat in Our Food

Science Projects Index

How is Salt Made?

In places near the sea, seawater is let into deep, large tank like areas from where it is allowed to evaporate. Once this evaporation has taken place, salt is left behind in the form of big pieces. The same thing can be done at home also. Dissolve a lot of salt in hot water. Pour this salt water in a plate and place it in the sun. After some time the whole water will evaporates. What will be left behind will be crystals of salt.

Measuring the Content of Fat in Our Food

Some of the food materials that we eat contain fat. To know if there is fat in a food substance, there is a very easy method. Take a light coloured paper. Rub some of the food substance that you want to test on the paper. Then hold the paper against a light source. If there is fat in the food material, then the paper will be more transparent in the area where you have rubbed it.

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