How to Improve My Vocabulary?

English Vocabulary Index

How to Improve My Vocabulary on 30th March? :

  1. Each (adj.) : every one taken individually

  2. Each (pro.) : every one taken individually

  3. Eager (adj.) : keenly desirous to do or get

  4. Eagerness (n) : strong desire, ardour, earnestness

  5. Eagle (n) : large bird of prey noted for keen vision

  6. Eaglet (n) : the young of an eagle

  7. Eager (n) : rise of tidal wave in the river

  8. Ear (n) : the organ of hearing, attention, spike or head of corn

  9. Earl (n) : a noble, an English noble man

  10. Early (adj.) : at break of day, sooner than usual fixed time, in good time

  11. Early (adv.) : at break of day, sooner than usual fixed time, in good time

  12. Earmark (v) : set apart for a specific purpose

  13. Earn (v) : gain by labour or service, acquire, as wages

  14. Earnest (adj.) : sincere, eager

  15. Earshot (n) : hearing distance

  16. Earning (n) : the act of getting as remuneration

  17. Earning (pl.) : things or money acquired

  18. Earth (n) : ground, the planet we live in

  19. Earth (v) : cover with earth

  20. Earthen (adj.) : made of earth

  21. Earthenware (n) : utensils made of baked clay, vessels of clay, pottery

  22. Earthly (adj.) : of this world

  23. Earthquake (n) : trembling of the earth

  24. Earwig (n) : an insect

  25. Earwitness (n) : one who testifies from his own hearings

  26. Ease (n) : freedom from labour, repose

  27. Ease (v) : relieve from work, pain or trouble lessen

  28. Easel (n) : wooden stand to support picture, black board etc

  29. East (n) : the direction where the sun rises

  30. Easter (n) : a Christian festival

  31. Easy (adj.) : comfortable, not difficult or hard

  32. Easy (adj.) : easily, in ease

  33. Easy (n) : easiness

  34. Eat (v) : to chew or bite and swallow food

  35. Eatable (adj.) : fit to be eaten

How to Improve My Vocabulary on 30th March? :

English Vocabulary Index

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