How to Improve Vocabulary?

English Vocabulary Index

How to Improve Vocabulary on 31st March? :

  1. Eaves (n & pl) : overhanging edges of a roof

  2. Eaves drop (v) : overhear (secrets)

  3. Ebb (v) : decay, flow back

  4. Ebb (n) : the retiring of tide, decline

  5. Ebony (n) : a kind of hard black wood

  6. Eccentric (adj.) : not having the same centre

  7. Ecclesiastic (n) : a priest

  8. Echo (n) : repetition of a sound by reflection

  9. Éclat (n) : applause, acclamation

  10. Eclectic (adj.) : selecting the best

  11. Eclipse (n) temporary loss of light of the sun or moon, obscurity

  12. Eclipse (v) : cause an eclipse, obscure

  13. Ecliptic (n) : the apparent orbit of the sun

  14. Eclogue (n) : a short poem of country life

  15. Economic (adj.) : frugal, not wasteful, not spending much

  16. Economical (adj.) : not wasteful , not spending much

  17. Economics (n) : the science dealing with the production, distribution and use of wealth

  18. Economise (v) : spend sparingly

  19. Economy (n) : frugality

  20. Ecstasy (n) : great joy, mad delight, rapture

  21. Eczema (n) : a skin disease

  22. Edacious (adj.) : given to eating gluttonous

  23. Eddy (n) : circular movement or fair of water, a whirlpool

  24. Eden (n) : Paradise, the garden where Adam and Eve lived, state of supreme happiness

  25. Edentate (n) : animal without incisor and canine teeth

  26. Edge (n) : the border

  27. Edge (v) : make sharp

  28. Edible (adj.) : eatable

  29. Edict (n) : an order building, large house, super structure

  30. Edifice (n) : a large building, large house, super structure

  31. Edify (v) : benefit spiritually, to improve the mind

  32. Edit (v) : prepare for publication

  33. Edition (n) : copies printed at a time

  34. Editor (n) : one who edits

How to Improve Vocabulary on 31st March? :

English Vocabulary Index

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