How to Improve Your Vocabulary?

English Vocabulary Index

How to Improve Your Vocabulary? on 15th April :

  1. Fall (v) : fail, die, descend, drop

  2. Fall (n) : a rush of water, slope, autumn, a dropping down, decline

  3. Fallible (adj.) : imperfect, liable to make mistakes

  4. Fallow (adj.) : untilled, yellowish unproductive

  5. False (adj.) : not real, artificial, incorrect

  6. Falsehood (n) : lie, dishonesty, untruth

  7. Falsify (v) : deceive, misinterpret, to prove to be wrong

  8. Falter (v) : totter, stammer, hesitate to be unsteady

  9. Fame (n) : renown, reputation

  10. Familiar (adj.) : known, common, intimate

  11. Familiarity (n) : close contact, intimacy

  12. Familiarize (v) : accustom, make well known

  13. Family (n) : all those living in one house

  14. Famine (n) : insufficiency, starvation

  15. Famish (v) : to suffer great hunger or thirst, starve to death

  16. Famous (adj.) : reputed, wee-known

  17. Fan (v) : an instrument for making a rush of air

  18. Fanatic (adj.) : extravagant, over zealous

  19. Fanfare (n) : loud blowing of trumpets

  20. Fang (n) : canine tooth of a wild beast, the poison tooth

  21. Fantastic (adj.) : imaginary, ridiculous, fanciful

  22. Far (adj. & adv) : distant, to a great distance

  23. Farce (n) : a dramatic play or comic doings intended to create laughter

  24. Fare (v) : to eat, to perform, to travel

  25. Fare (n) : cost of a journey, food

  26. Farewell (n) : happy goodbye, departure

  27. Farm (n) : a country house with land for ploughing

  28. Farm (n) : a portion of land under cultivation

  29. Farmer (n) : cultivator

  30. Farming (n) : cultivation

  31. Farmyard (n) : open space surrounding farm-buildings

  32. Farrier (n) : a horse doctor, one who shoes horses

  33. Farrow (n) : a family of baby pigs

  34. Farsighted (adj.) : prudent, able to see distant objects clearly

  35. Farther (adj.) : more remote, additional

  36. Farthing (n) : a coin worth one fourth of a penny

  37. Fascinate (v) : attract, enchant

  38. Fashion (n) : style, custom, way of doing a thing

  39. Fashionable (adj.) : stylish

  40. Fast (v) : not to eat

  41. Fasten (v) : to make firm, affix, join bind

How to Improve Your Vocabulary? on 15th April :

English Vocabulary Index

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