How to Increase Vocabulary in English?

English Vocabulary Index

How to Increase Vocabulary in English? on 12th April :

  1. Expand (v) : spread out, elaborate, dilate

  2. Expanse (n) : a wide space

  3. Expatiate (v) : speak or write in detail

  4. Expect (v) : anticipate to wait for, look for

  5. Expectorate (v) : eject, to spit

  6. Expedite (v) : accelerate

  7. Expedient (adj.) : likely to be useful for a purpose, advantageous

  8. Expeditious (adj.) : speedy, quick

  9. Expel (v) : banish, send out

  10. Expenditure (n) : money spent

  11. Expense (n) : act of spending, price

  12. Expensive (adj.) : costly

  13. Experience (n) : practical knowledge, wisdom

  14. Experiment (n) : trial or test

  15. Expert (adj.) : highly skilled

  16. Expiate (v) : to make up for wrong

  17. Expire (v) : breathe out, to come to an end, to die

  18. Expiry (n) : death, termination, ending of a period

  19. Explain (v) : clear up, to give reasons for

  20. Expletive (n) : a swear-word

  21. Explicable (adj.) : able to be explained

  22. Explicit (adj.) : distinct, plain, clear

  23. Explode (v) : burst, to prove a belief wrong

  24. Exploit (n) : adventurous act, a feat

  25. Exploit (v) : to use selfishly

  26. Exploitation (n) : selfish use of other’s property

  27. Exploratory (adj.) : relating to exploration, preliminary

  28. Explore (v) : investigate

  29. Explosive (n) : gun powder, thing that explodes

  30. Exponent (n) : representative, interpreter

  31. Export (v) : to send goods from one’s country for trade purposes

  32. Export (n) : things sent, act of exporting

  33. Expose (v) : disclosed

  34. Exposure (n) : act of disclosing, exposition

  35. Expound (n) : make clear, to explain fully

  36. Express (v) : utter, declare, inform

  37. Express (adj.) : rapid

  38. Expression (n) : act of expressing, aspect

  39. Expressly (adj.) : plainly, with set purpose

  40. Expropriate (v) : to take away one’s property

  41. Expunge (v) : remove

  42. Expulsion (n) : driving out, ejection

  43. Expurgate (v) : to remove the nasty parts

How to Increase Vocabulary in English? on 12th April :

English Vocabulary Index

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