If I Were An Examiner

If I Were An Examiner :

I am a student. I have a long standing grudge against examiners. They never seem to understand the position of a student. We work all the year round and finally sit in the examination. We do our best to answer the questions. We strive to get a pass. But what happens? The examiner does NOT like this idea of ours. Consequently we have to put in another year in the same course.

If I were an examiner, I would see that I don’t set any question out of course. It happens many times those examiners set questions which the boys are not expected to know as they are not included in the syllabus.

I shall be very careful n framing questions. An examiner’s job is to test the comprehension of the boys. This does not demand the questions set in the paper are more difficult than the text itself. Sometimes even well prepared students fail to do justice into the examination-hall because questions are not in level with the expected attainment of the boys. I shall therefore try to understand the limitations the boys and set questions accordingly. A boy who understands the text soul gets a pass. That way I sell try to be judicious.

Marking answer books again is a job which requires greater skill and experience on the part of an examiner. I shall make a careful examination of the answers. Sometimes the answers are not what we expect. They might be different from what we desired. The different may be the result of temperament, training, education and personal likes and dislikes. This is particularly possible in questions on poetry, drama and short stories. Every one of us can look at things according to our own expertise and personal ideas. But if the answer is convincing and probable, I shall give it as much credit as to one which is after my mind. In short. I shall be liberal in judging the examinees.

Thus as an examiner. I shall not be rigid narrow minded and dogmatic. My job will be that of a judicious, liberal ad accommodating examiner.

If I Were An Examiner