Improve English Vocabulary

English Vocabulary Index

Improve English Vocabulary on 17th April :

  1. Feline (adj.) : of the cat family, stealthy

  2. Fell (v) : to cause to fall, cut down

  3. Fell (n) : a barren hill, skin of the animal

  4. Fell (adj.) : wicked terrible

  5. Fellow (n) : a companion

  6. Felon (n) : sinner, an inflammation near the finger

  7. Felony (n) : a serious crime, deceit

  8. Female (n) : a human being or animal of the sex that bears young ones

  9. Feminine (adj.) : pertaining to the female sex

  10. Fen (n) : marshy land, a bog

  11. Fence (n) : protecting barrier, railing

  12. Fence (v) : enclose with a fence

  13. Fern (n) : a kind of plant

  14. Ferocious (adj.) : brutal, wild

  15. Ferocity (n) : brutality, wildness

  16. Ferry (n) : boat, a crossing place for boats, boat service

  17. Ferry (v) : transport by means of boats

  18. Fertile (adj.) : fruitful, abundant, productive

  19. Fertility (n) : fruitfulness, richness

  20. Fertilize (v) : make productive, enrich

  21. Fertilizer (n) : manure

  22. Fervent (adj.) : keen, earnest, warm

  23. Fervour (n) : keenness, earnestness, heat

  24. Festival (n) : public celebration

  25. Festive (adj.) : joyful, relating to feast

  26. Festivity (n) : joyfulness, festival

  27. Festoon (n) : a long wreath or garland of flowers etc., hanging between two points a looped decoration

  28. Fetch (v) : to go and get, bring

  29. Fete (n) : celebration

  30. Fetid (adj.) : having a bad smell

  31. Foetid (adj.) : having a bad smell

  32. Fetter (n) : chain for the feet of the prisoner

  33. Feud (n) : a private long standing quarrel between families, tribes, etc.,

  34. Fever (n) : illness causing high body temperature

  35. Few (adj.) : a small number, not many

  36. Fiancé (n) : one engaged to be married

  37. Fiasco (n) : a complete failure

  38. Fib (n) : falsehood, harmless lie

  39. Fib (v) : tell lies

  40. Fibre (n) : any fine thread, or thread like substance

  41. Fibrous (adj.): consisting of fibres

  42. Fickle (adj.) : often changing

  43. Fiction (n) : a novel, an imaginary or invented story, falsehood

  44. Fictitious (adj.) : imaginary, false

  45. Fiddle (v) : to play with the fiddle

  46. Fidelity (n) : truth, faithfulness, chastity, loyalty

  47. Fidget (v) : to move restlessly

Improve English Vocabulary on 17th April :

English Vocabulary Index

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