Improve Your Vocabulary

English Vocabulary Index

Improve Your Vocabulary on 22nd April :

  1. Foot (n) : the part at the bottom of the leg, bottom, infantry

  2. Foot (v) : step

  3. Footboard (n) : a support for the foot

  4. Foot-boy (n) : an attendant

  5. Footbridge (n) : a narrow bridge for passengers to walk

  6. Foothold (n) : footing

  7. Footing (n) : place to place the foot

  8. Footnote (n) : a note at the end of a page

  9. Footpath (n) : a narrow way

  10. Footprint (n) : mark made by the foot

  11. Footstep (n) : tread

  12. Footwear(n) : shoes, sandals etc., for the foot

  13. Fop(n) : a dandy

  14. Fop (adj.) : foppish

  15. For (prep) : because, since, in place of

  16. For (conj) : because, since, in place of

  17. Forage (n) : food for cattle

  18. Forage (v) : feed cattle etc., plunder search

  19. Foray (n) : robbery

  20. Foray (v) : plunder

  21. Forbear (v) : cease, abstain, delay

  22. Forbearance (n) : patience, long suffering

  23. Forbid (v) : hinder, prohibit

  24. Forbidden (adj.) : prohibited

  25. Forbidden (v) : past participle of FORBID

  26. Force (n) : strength, violence, energy

  27. Force (v) : compel

  28. Forceful (adj.) : powerful, forceful

  29. Forcement (n) : meat chopped

  30. Forceps (n) : a surgeon’s pincers

  31. Forcepump (n) : a pump which sucks from the ground

  32. Forcible (adj.) : violent, powerful

  33. Forcible (adv.) : forcibly

  34. Ford (v) : a shallow place

  35. Ford (v) : cross water

  36. Fordable (adj.) : that can be crossed on foot

  37. Fore (n) : front

  38. Fore (adj.) : coming or going first

  39. Fore (adv.) : before

  40. Forearm (n) : the part of the arm between the wrist and elbow

  41. Forebode (v) : predict

  42. Foreboding (n) : a sing of coming evil, augury

  43. Forecast (v) : predict, provide, scheme

  44. Forefather (n) : ancestor

  45. Forefinger (n) : indicator, the first finger of the hand next to the thumb

  46. Forego (v) : precede, give up

  47. Foregone (adj.) : past predetermined

  48. Forehead (adj.) : front part of head above eyes

  49. Foreign (adj.) : belonging to another country

  50. Foreleg (n) : one of front legs of an animal

  51. Forelock (n) : the hair on the fore head

  52. Foreman (n) : chief person, supervising others

  53. Foremost (adj.) : the best, first in place

Improve Your Vocabulary on 22nd April :

English Vocabulary Index

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