Improving Vocabulary
English Vocabulary Index
Improving Vocabulary for 7th July :
- Midget (n) : extremely small person
Midnight (n) : 12 O’ clock at night
Midst (adv) : in the middle
Midst (n) : the middle
Midst (prep) : in the middle
Midway (adj.) : situated in the middle, halfway
Midway (adv) : situated in the middle, halfway
Midwife (n) : a lady who assists a woman in child birth
Mien (n) : appearance, look, behaviour
Might (n) : great power, strength
Might (v) : pa.t. of MAY
Mightily (adv): greatly
Mighty (adj.) : strong
Migrate (n) : migration
Migrate (v) : change to a distant country
Migrate (adj.) : migratory
Mike (n) : abbreviated form of micro phone, microphone
Milch (adj.) : (of a cow) giving milk
Mild (adj.) : gentle
Mildew (n) : growth of tiny fungus forming on plants, leather, food, etc
Mile (n) : a unit of distance
Milestone (n) : stone set up to show the distance, an important event
Militant (adj.): quarrelsome, warlike
Military (adj.) : connected with the army
Military (n) : the army
Milk (n) : white liquid produced by female mammals for feeding their young
Milksop (n) : a spiritlessman
Mill (n) : a grinding machine, place fitted with machines of grinding
Millennium (n) : a thousand years
Miller (n) : owner of a mill
Millet (n) : food grain grown in tropics
Milliard (n) : a thousand millions
Milliner (n) : one who makes and sells women’s hats, ribbons, etc.,
Million (n) : a ten lakhs
Millionaire (n) : a very rich person
Mimic (n) : a clever imitator, a buffoon
Mimic (adj.) : imitative
Mimicry (n) : the imitation of a cry or action of others
Minaret (n) : tall slender tower connected with a mosque
Mince (v): cut of chop into small pieces
Mince (adj.) : mincing
Mince (adv): mincingly
Mind (n): the understanding, memory, intellect
Mind (v) : pay attention to, take care
Mindful (adj.) : thinking much about
Mine (n) : shaft dug(for ores) in the ground
Mine (v) : dig out for ores
Mineral (adj.) : relating to substances dug out from the earth or mines
Miniature (adj.) : minute, diminutive
Miniature (v) : very small painting
Minimize (v) :cut down to the ,minimum
Minimum (n) : the least quantity, the lowest point
Mining (n) : the process of getting minerals
Improving Vocabulary for 7th July :
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