Improving Vocabulary for 1st January

English Vocabulary Index

Improving Vocabulary for 1st January :

  1. A (art) : one, any

  2. a-1 (adj) : first class

  3. aback (adv) : backward, behind

  4. abacus (n) : a counting frame

  5. abaft (adv) : in stern half of ship

  6. abandon (v) : forsake, desert, to cast off

  7. abandoned (adj) : forsaken, without any restraint, immoral

  8. abase (v) : to make low degrade

  9. abasement (n) : degradation, humiliation

  10. abash (v) : put to shame

  11. abask (adv) : in warmth

  12. abate (v) : diminish, mitigate

  13. abatement (n) : reduction mitigation, deduction

  14. abattoir (n) : a public slaughter house

  15. abbacy (n) : the office of an abbot or his jurisdiction

  16. abbatial (adj) : belonging to an abbey or its head

  17. abbess (n) : Superior of a convent

  18. abbey (n) : a house for monks, convent

  19. abbot (n) : father, Superior prior

  20. abbreviate (v) to cut short

  21. abbreviated (adj) : shortened, reduced

  22. a,b,c ((n) : elementary principles

  23. abdicate (v) : renounce

  24. abdomen (n) : belly

  25. abduce (v) : draw aside or away

  26. abduct (v) : kidnap

  27. abduction (n) : the act of kidnapping

  28. aberrant (adj) : deviating from moral path

  29. abed (adj) : in bed

  30. aberration (n) : derangement, deviation

  31. abet (v) : encourage, incite, assist

  32. abetter (n) : one who abets

  33. abettor (n) : one who abets

  34. abhor (v) : hate, dislike

  35. abhorrence (n) : state of being detestable, thing which detests

  36. abide (v) : endure, expect, reside

  37. abiding (adj) : permanent, lasting, continuing

  38. abidingly (adj) : permanent

  39. abigail (n) : lady’s maid

English Vocabulary Index

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