LSAT Vocabulary

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Here is the complete list of LSAT Vocabulary. The Law School Admission Test (LSAT) is a half-day, standardized test administered four times each year at designated testing centres throughout the world. All American Bar Association (ABA)-approved law schools, most Canadian law schools and many other law schools require applicants to take the LSAT as part of their admission process. It provides a standard measure of acquired reading and verbal reasoning skills that law schools can use as one of several factors in assessing applicants. In the United States, Canada, the Caribbean and some other countries, the LSAT is administered on a Saturday, except in June, when it is generally administered on a Monday. For Saturday Sabbath observers, the test is also administered on a weekday following Saturday administrations. Many law schools require that the LSAT be taken by December for admission the following fall. However, taking the test earlier—in June or September—is often advised. Some schools place greater weight than others on the LSAT. Most law schools do evaluate your full range of credentials.

  1. Absolve
  2. Abstract
  3. Accessible
  4. Accidental
  5. Accommodate
  6. Acidity
  7. Acknowledge
  8. Acoustic
  9. Acquit
  10. Acrimony
  11. Advent
  12. Adverse
  13. Aerate
  14. Aesthetic
  15. Affable
  16. Affinity
  17. Affluence
  18. Alleviate
  19. Altruistic
  20. Ambiguous
  21. Ambivalence
  22. Ameliorate
  23. Amenable
  24. Ample
  25. Antagonism
  26. Antiquated
  27. Apathy
  28. Appellate
  29. Apprehension
  30. Apprenticeship
  31. Appropriate
  32. Appropriate
  33. Arbiter
  34. Arcane
  35. Aristocracy
  36. Arrogance
  37. Ascribe
  38. Aspire
  39. Assert
  40. Assumption
  41. Attain
  42. Authentic
  43. Autonomous
  44. Avant-Garde
  45. Aversion
  46. Avert

  47. Bebop
  48. Beneficial
  49. Benevolent
  50. Benign
  51. Betray
  52. Biogenic
  53. Blight
  54. Blithe
  55. Blunt
  56. Brittle
  57. Buoyant
  58. Bureaucratic

  59. Candour
  60. Cannibalism
  61. Captivate
  62. Caricature
  63. Censor
  64. Charcoal
  65. Charlatan
  66. Chauvinism
  67. Chronicle
  68. Circumscribe
  69. Circumspect
  70. Cite
  71. Cliché
  72. Coalesce
  73. Coercion
  74. Coherency
  75. Commendation
  76. Commensurate
  77. Compliance
  78. Component
  79. Compromise
  80. Concede
  81. Conception
  82. Condone
  83. Conformity
  84. Congenial
  85. Consensus
  86. Consistency
  87. Console
  88. Consolidation
  89. Consternation
  90. Contentious
  91. Contingency
  92. Convention
  93. Corrosion
  94. Countervailing
  95. Culpability
  96. Curtail
  97. Cynical

  98. Daringly
  99. Dawdle
  100. Dazzle
  101. Deceptive
  102. Defamation
  103. Defiance
  104. Degenerate
  105. Delineate
  106. Delinquency
  107. Delinquent
  108. Demean
  109. Demoralize
  110. Demote
  111. Denounce
  112. Depict
  113. Deplete
  114. Deplore
  115. Derision
  116. Derivative
  117. Desecration
  118. Despoliation
  119. Despotism
  120. Detached
  121. Deterrent
  122. Devise
  123. Didactic
  124. Digression
  125. Discern
  126. Discernible
  127. Disclaimer
  128. Disclose
  129. Discord
  130. Discount
  131. Discretionary
  132. Disinterested
  133. Disinterment
  134. Dismiss
  135. Disparage
  136. Disparate
  137. Dispel
  138. Disperse
  139. Dissent
  140. Dissipate
  141. Distinction
  142. Divergent
  143. Divulge
  144. Docile
  145. Doctrine
  146. Dogmatic
  147. Dogmatically
  148. Draconian
  149. Dwelling

  150. Eclipse
  151. Edifice
  152. Elated
  153. Elude
  154. Elusive
  155. Embellish
  156. Endeavour
  157. Endorse
  158. Enhance
  159. Enigma
  160. Ensemble
  161. Entail
  162. Enumerate
  163. Erode
  164. Erosion
  165. Erratic
  166. Erring
  167. Erroneous
  168. Eschew
  169. Esoteric
  170. Espouse
  171. Espouse
  172. Esteem
  173. Exacerbate
  174. Exacerbate
  175. Excerpt
  176. Exemplary
  177. Expedite
  178. Expertise
  179. Explicit
  180. Exploit

  181. Facilitate
  182. Facsimile
  183. Fallacious
  184. Farce
  185. Fastidious
  186. Feasible
  187. Fervour
  188. Flippant
  189. Formidable
  190. Forthright
  191. Frail
  192. Futile

  193. Garrulous
  194. Generate
  195. Gill
  196. Gluttonous
  197. Grandiose
  198. Granite
  199. Gratify
  200. Gregarious
  201. Grudging

  202. Haloes
  203. Hamper
  204. Heed
  205. Herbaceous
  206. Herbivorous
  207. Hindrance
  208. Hindrance
  209. Hobble
  210. Hostility
  211. Hypocritical
  212. Hypothetical

  213. Iconoclastic
  214. Immutable
  215. Impair
  216. Impede
  217. Imperative
  218. Imperceptible
  219. Implacable
  220. Implement
  221. Implication
  222. Implicit
  223. Impoverish
  224. Imprimatur
  225. Impromptu
  226. Inadvertently
  227. Incarceration
  228. Incongruity
  229. Inconsequential
  230. Inconsistency
  231. Incorporate
  232. Indict
  233. Indifferent
  234. Induce
  235. Industrious
  236. Inept
  237. Infallible
  238. Inflict
  239. Ingenious
  240. Ingenuous
  241. Ingestion
  242. Ingrate
  243. Inherent
  244. Inimical
  245. Initiate
  246. Innate
  247. Innocuous
  248. Inscrutable
  249. Insightful
  250. Intangible
  251. Interdisciplinary
  252. Interment
  253. Intermittent
  254. Intricacy
  255. Intrinsically
  256. Invariably
  257. Irony
  258. Irradiate
  259. Irrationality
  260. Irrigation

  261. Japanese
  262. Job
  263. Joined
  264. Judicious
  265. Jumped
  266. Jurisprudence
  267. Just
  268. Juvenile
  269. Juxtapose

  270. Keep
  271. Kept
  272. Key
  273. Killed
  274. Kind
  275. Kinetic
  276. King
  277. Knew
  278. Know
  279. Known

  280. Larceny
  281. Largess
  282. Laud
  283. Legacy
  284. Lethargy
  285. Levity
  286. Libel
  287. Limb
  288. Litigate
  289. Loathe
  290. Loquacious
  291. Lucid
  292. Lugubrious
  293. Luminosity
  294. Luminous

  295. Malice
  296. Manifold
  297. Manoeuvre
  298. Mantle
  299. Meadow
  300. Meek
  301. Meticulous
  302. Milieu
  303. Minuscule
  304. Misanthropic
  305. Misconception
  306. Misrepresent
  307. Mitigate
  308. Mock
  309. Mollify
  310. Monarchy
  311. Monolithic
  312. Monotony
  313. Morass
  314. Moribund
  315. Morose
  316. Mortify
  317. Mudslinging
  318. Multifarious
  319. Mundane
  320. Municipal
  321. Munificent
  322. Mutability
  323. Myopia
  324. Myriad
  325. Mystic

  326. Naiveté
  327. Narcissism
  328. Narcotic
  329. Nebulous
  330. Nefarious
  331. Neologism
  332. Nepotism
  333. Nihilism
  334. Nocturnal
  335. Nominal
  336. Nostalgia
  337. Notorious
  338. Nurture

  339. Obnoxious
  340. Obscure
  341. Obtuse
  342. Obviate
  343. Officious
  344. Oligarchy
  345. Onerous
  346. Opaque
  347. Oppressive
  348. Optimist
  349. Opulent
  350. Orthodox
  351. Ostensible
  352. Ostensibly
  353. Ostentatious
  354. Outmoded

  355. Pacifist
  356. Pacify
  357. Paradox
  358. Patina
  359. Patronize
  360. Paucity
  361. Pedantic
  362. Perfunctory
  363. Perjury
  364. Permafrost
  365. Perpetual
  366. Perpetuate
  367. Personnel
  368. Pervasive
  369. Pessimism
  370. Petulant
  371. Phenomena
  372. Philanthropist
  373. Physiology
  374. Pigment
  375. Pitfall
  376. Plagiarize
  377. Plaintiff
  378. Plumage
  379. Polemic
  380. Populous
  381. Potency
  382. Pragmatic
  383. Precedent
  384. Predator
  385. Premise
  386. Premonition
  387. Prescription
  388. Presumption
  389. Preternatural
  390. Prevail
  391. Prey
  392. Profound
  393. Proliferation
  394. Prolific
  395. Prologue
  396. Prominent
  397. Promote
  398. Promulgate
  399. Propensity
  400. Prophetic
  401. Propound
  402. Proscription
  403. Prosperity
  404. Protract
  405. Proviso
  406. Provocative
  407. Prudent

  408. Qualify
  409. Qualitative
  410. Quality
  411. Quantify
  412. Quantity
  413. Querulous
  414. Quixotic

  415. Random
  416. Rebut
  417. Recluse
  418. Rectify
  419. Refugee
  420. Refute
  421. Regimen
  422. Rehabilitate
  423. Relinquish
  424. Relinquish
  425. Remedy
  426. Remit
  427. Remunerated
  428. Renown
  429. Repeal
  430. Repertory
  431. Repudiate
  432. Reserved
  433. Resolution
  434. Resolve
  435. Resort
  436. Restraint
  437. Retain
  438. Reticent
  439. Retribution
  440. Reverent
  441. Ruthless

  442. Salutary
  443. Satirize
  444. Scant
  445. Scavenge
  446. Scrupulously
  447. Scrutinize
  448. Seclusion
  449. Secular
  450. Sediment
  451. Seedbed
  452. Serenity
  453. Sever
  454. Severity
  455. Singular
  456. Skeptical
  457. Solidarity
  458. Spawn
  459. Sporadic
  460. Sporadically
  461. Stopgap
  462. Stratagem
  463. Subdued
  464. Succession
  465. Superficial
  466. Superfluous
  467. Supersede
  468. Suppress
  469. Surefootedness
  470. Surpass
  471. Surreal
  472. Surreptitious
  473. Susceptibility
  474. Suspend
  475. Sustain
  476. Symmetry
  477. Synthesis

  478. Taciturn
  479. Tedious
  480. Temperament
  481. Termination
  482. Thwart
  483. Titmouse
  484. Torpor
  485. Toxic
  486. Transient
  487. Transparent
  488. Trepidation
  489. Turbulence

  490. Ubiquitous
  491. Unconscionable
  492. Unctuous
  493. Undergird
  494. Underpin
  495. Uniform
  496. Unremitting
  497. Unwitting
  498. Urbane
  499. Usurp
  500. Utilitarian
  501. Utopia

  502. Vacíllate
  503. Vagrancy
  504. Verisimilitude
  505. Vernacular
  506. Versatile
  507. Versatility
  508. Vestige
  509. Vex
  510. Viable
  511. Vicarious
  512. Vicissitude
  513. Vignette
  514. Vigour
  515. Vilify
  516. Vindicate
  517. Vindictive
  518. Virtuoso
  519. Virulent
  520. Visionary
  521. Volatile

  522. Wanton
  523. Wary
  524. Wayward
  525. Wilful
  526. Wistful
  527. Withhold
  528. Withstand

  529. Xanthic
  530. Xanthous
  531. Xerography
  532. Xeroma
  533. Xeronate
  534. Xeronic

  535. Yacht
  536. Yawn
  537. Yearn
  538. Yield
  539. Yoga
  540. Yoghourt
  541. Yoghurt
  542. Young
  543. Youth
  544. Yuma

  545. Zeal
  546. Zealous
  547. Zenith
  548. Zenithal
  549. Zeolite
  550. Zephyr
  551. Zest
  552. Zigzag
  553. Zone
  554. Zoology
  555. Zurich
  556. Zygote

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