Learn English Vocabulary
English Vocabulary Index
Learn English Vocabulary for 8th July :
- Minion (n) : a favourite servant
Minister (n) : a member of the cabinet, an ambassador; a religious head
Ministry (n) : Department of a state under a Ministry
Mink (n) : small animal valued for its fur
Minnow (n): a very small fresh-water fish
Minor (adj.) : smaller, less, petty
Minor (n) : a person under age(of 18 years)
Minority (n): State of being under age, smaller number
Minster (n): a monastery, church especially a cathedral
Minstrel (n): a musician
Mint (n) : place where coins are made
Mint (v) : coin money invent
Minuet (n) : a dance
Minus (adj.): the sign-less than nothing
Minute (n) : the 60th part of an hour
Minute (adj.) : very small
Minx (n) : an impudent girl
Miracle (n) : remarkable and surprising event
Miracle (adj.) : miraculous
Mirage (n) : an optical illusion
Mire (n) : thick wet mud
Mirle (n): dark
Mirror (n) : a looking glass, a pattern
Mirth (n) : happiness
Misadventure (n) : misfortune
Misanthrope (n) : person who hates, mankind
Misapprehend (v) : understand wrongly, get a wrong idea about
Misappropriate (v): to put to a wrong use
Misbehave (v): behave badly
Misbehaviour (n) : bad conduct
Miscarriage (n) : the act of giving birth prematurely, failure
Miscarry (v) : go wrong, be unsuccessful, fail
Miscellaneous (adj.) : of many kinds, mixed
Miscellany (n) : a publication containing treatises
Mischance (n) : ill-luck, mishap
Mischief (n) : injury, damage, harm
Mischievous (adj.) : full of mischief, harmful
Misconceive (v): to understand wrongly
Misconduct (n) : improper behaviour
Misconduct (v) : behave badly
Misconstrue (v) : misjudge, give a wrong meaning
Miscount (v): to count wrongly
Miscreant (n) : wrong-doer, a very wicked person
Misdeal (v) : to deal wrongly
Misdeed (n) : wicked act, crime
Learn English Vocabulary for 8th July :
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