Learn English

English Vocabulary Index

Learn English on 26th April :

  1. Frost (n) : frozen dew

  2. Frost (adj.) : frosty

  3. Frost-bitten (adj.) : suffering from exposure to excessive cold

  4. Froth (n) : foam

  5. Froth (adj.) : frothy

  6. Frown (v) : look displeased

  7. Frown (n) : a stern look

  8. Frozen (adj.) : frigid, also past participle of FREEZE

  9. Fructify (v) : make fruitful

  10. Frugal (adj.) : economical, thrifty

  11. Frugal (adv) : frugally

  12. Frugal (n) : frugality

  13. Fruit (n) : vegetable product fit for food and reproduction, produce, effect

  14. Fruition (n) : enjoyment, attainment of a thing longed for

  15. Fruitless (adj.) : vain; (opp.) : fruitful

  16. Frustrate (v) : defeat, disappoint

  17. Frustrate (n) : frustration

  18. Fry (v) : cook or roast over a fire in a pan with oil or fat

  19. Fry (n) : the young one of a fish

  20. Fudge (n) : humbug, nonsense

  21. Fudge (v) : fake

  22. Fuel (n) : anything used to feed fire, firewood

  23. Fuel (v) : supply fuel to

  24. Fugitive (n) : one who runs away from duty or danger

  25. Fulcrum (n) : fixes point about which a lever turns

  26. Fulfil (v) : carry out, perform

  27. Fulfilment (n) : act of fulfilling

  28. Full (adj.) : complete, reaching the limit

  29. Full (n) : highest degree

  30. Full (adv.) : the utmost extent

  31. Fumble (v) : grope about

  32. Fume (n) : smoke, vapour, rage

  33. Fume (v) : be in a rage, raise a smoke

  34. Fumigate (v) : disinfect by means of smoke or vapour

  35. Fumigate (n) : fumigation

  36. Fun (n) : sport, joke

  37. Function (n) : a ceremony, duty, work

  38. Functionary (n) : one who functions, an official

  39. Fund (n) : a stock of money to be used for some special object, capital

  40. Fund (v) : invest for interest

  41. Fundamental (adj.) : important, basic

  42. Fundamental (n) : an essential thing, a basic principle

  43. Funeral (n) : burial, cremation

  44. Funeral (adj.) : pertaining to burial or cremation

  45. Fungicide (n) : a preparation capable of destroying fungi

  46. Fungus (n) : mushroom

  47. Fungus (pl.) : fungi, funguses

  48. Funk (n) : a cowardice

  49. Funk (v) : befrightened

  50. Funky (adj.) : timid

  51. Funnel (n) : a conical tube, a smoke stack

  52. Funny (adj.) : full of fun

  53. Funny (adv.) : funnily

  54. Fur (n) : the fine soft hair of some animals

  55. Fur (v) : put on fur

  56. Furbish (v) : rub and polish

  57. Furious (adj.) : very angry

  58. Furl (v) : roll up, fold

  59. Furl (opp.) : unfurl

Learn English on 26th April :

English Vocabulary Index

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