Learning English Vocabulary for 3rd January

English Vocabulary Index

Learning English Vocabulary for 3rd January

  1. abscission (n) : cutting off, removal, separation

  2. abscond (v) cut off

  3. abscond (v) : conceal, disappear, run away

  4. absence (n) :state of not existing

  5. absent (adj) : not present

  6. absentee (n) : one who is absent

  7. absolute (adj) : perfect, unconditional, pure, complete

  8. absolutely (adj) : independently, totally, unconditionally, arbitrarily, positively

  9. absolution (n) : pardon, forgiveness, remission of punishment

  10. absolutism (n) : state of being an absolute government

  11. absolve (v) : acquit, free one from

  12. absorb (v) : swallow up, suck up

  13. absorption (n) : the act of taking in

  14. absorbable (adj) : easily sucked in

  15. absorbed (adj) : sucked up, greatly interested in

  16. absorptive (adj) : with a tendency to take in or imbibe

  17. abstain (v) : hold back, keep oneself away, refrain from

  18. abstemious (adj) ; temperate

  19. abstinence (n) holding back from

  20. abstinent (adj) : temperate, fasting

  21. abstract (n) : ideal, theoretical

  22. abstracted (adj) : engaged in another thought, absent-minded

  23. abstraction (n) : taking away, withdrawal, stealing

  24. abstruse (adj) : hidden, unintelligible

  25. absurd (adj) : unreasonable

  26. absurdity (n) : a silly act or statement, folly

  27. abundance (n) : plentiful, copious, ample

  28. abundant (adj) : plentiful, copious, ample

  29. abuse (v) : use wrongly, revile

  30. abuse (n) : an application to a wrong purpose, insulting words

  31. abut (v) : lean on, border upon

  32. abutment (n) : a supporting structure

  33. abutter (n) : one who owns the adjoining property

  34. abysmal (adj) : profound, bottomless

  35. abyss (n) : bottomless or deep chasm

  36. acacia (n) : a thorny tree, gum

  37. academic (adj) : pertaining to college or university

  38. academy (n) : a centre of study

English Vocabulary Index

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