Meaning of English Words

English Vocabulary Index

Meaning of English Words on 10th May :

  1. Ha (inj.) : exclamation, denoting surprise other emotion

  2. Habiliments (n) : dress, a garment

  3. Habit (n) : manner, custom

  4. Habitable (adj.) : fit for dwelling

  5. Habitation (n) : a place of abode

  6. Habitual (adj.) : customary

  7. Habitual (adv.) : habitually

  8. Habitude (n) : custom

  9. Habitue (n) : person who regularly goes to a place

  10. Hack (v) : mangle

  11. Hack (n) : horse for hire

  12. Hackney (n) : a horse or coach for hire

  13. Hacksaw (n) : saw for cutting metal

  14. Hades (n) : the nether world, abode of the dead

  15. Hag (n) : an ugly old woman

  16. Haggard(adj.) : death-like, sunken, ugly

  17. Haggle (v) : be slow and hard in making a bargain

  18. Hail (n) : salutation, frozen raindrops

  19. Hail (v) : greet

  20. Hailstone (n) : a single pallet of hail

  21. Hailstorm (n) : a storm accompanied with hail

  22. Hair (n) : wood filament, down

  23. Hairbreath (n) : very small distance

  24. Hairbreath (adj.) : very narrow

  25. Hale (adj.) : sound, healthy

  26. Half (n) : one of two equal parts

  27. Half (pl) : halves

  28. Hall (n) : a large room, town-house, mansion-house

  29. Hallmark (n) : a distinctive sign, stamp of purity

  30. Hallo (v) : shout, call out

  31. Hallow (v) : make holy

  32. Hallow (n) : saint

  33. Hallucination (n) : a delusion

English Vocabulary Index

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